- Storm states that over the last year, the player credit gain from tier 8
premium tanks increased, since Wargaming (several times) improved the tier 8
premium tank money making ability
Storm 表示過去一年來玩家在八階金車上愈賺愈多,因為WG多次調高八階金車的賺錢係數
- map Stalingrad is currently in development
- Havok implementation will not bring effects such as camo net appearance on
the tank, it will bring nice looking object destruction and dynamic equipment
on tank (SS: as in fuel cans, tools etc.) that’s hanging, moving and can be
ripped off by explosions
Havok 不會自帶裝備模型(偽裝網、V鏡…)功能,但會有可動部件(可以轟掉的箱子、鏈
- developers will definitely continue to develop the 0.9.1 test “Hellcat”
9.1 測試服出現的音效會持續發展
- nothing is known of the FV217 TD/SPG according to Cannoneer
據 Cannoneer 說法,完全沒有 FV217 的消息
- 9.3 will bring Hellcat nerf
- T49 will not be nerfed in 9.3
9.3 砍地獄貓,但不會動 T49
- the reason why WG implemented FV215b instead of having Chieftain from the
start was that when the British tree was introduced, the Chieftain was
considered to be too modern. After that, they sent people to measure the
armor (SS: in Bovington) and found out that it’s not actually as fearsome as
it was thought before.
不放酋長式而創造 FV215b 的原因在於當初認為它太先進。但後來派人去 Bovington
- Centurion Mk.10 can’t be British tier 10 – its armor upgrade is already
in the tier 9 Centurion 7/1 (the “/1〃 part specifically signifies the armor
百夫長 Mk.10 無法當十階車;它的裝甲升級部份已經放在九階了(『/1』代表它是裝甲升
- Ruinberg on fire lighting ugly and reducing performance? “How terrible”
Ruinberg on fire 的打光很難看又拖累效能?「好貼蘿蔔」
- top light tank economy (income vs repair cost) will not be buffed
- quality of armor (depending on material) coefficient will not be implemented
- Vickers MBT with Mk.3 turret? Storm: “I don’t know yet”
維克斯會裝 Mk.3 砲塔(1970年代中期的升級版)?Storm:「還不知道」
- reducing the gun aim time for most tanks to make battles more filled with
action? “That would reduce the role of armor in the game even more”, Storm
adds that compensating it with reduced normalization is not a solution
either, as it is near zero anyway as it is
- Wargaming cooperating with modmakers? “Why? We can make such features too”
WG 會跟模組作家合作?「我們自己能搞」(譯者:只是不知道拖到何年何月…)
- Tundra map will not be removed from the game
不會移除 Tundra 地圖
- 25 percent RNG will not be reduced
不會減少 25% 浮動值(譯者:再問禁言一個月)
- a player proposes that tier 10 tank destroyers could have their penetration
nerfed from 300+ to 270-280 and compensated that with increased accuracy,
Storm states this will not happen
- Type 4 Chi-To stock and elite turret identical? “One is cast, the other is
welded. Look here. The top one has depression of -10, stock one of -6,5〃
- too many 3-4 HT5 vs 3-4 MT5 battles on tier 5? “Coincidence”
- historical battles will not return soon
- Q: “How do developers regard “german-lover” players (wehraboos) who play
only German tanks?” A: “Not in any special way. Players are players.”
- “Soviet tank only” and “German tank only” clans will not be supported
in any special way
- WG will not do anything about statpadders and sealclubbers (SS: “pedobears
” in Russian)
WG 不會對洗戰績或虐菜的人怎麼樣
- the option for crews to remember previous tanks will not be implemented,
not even for gold
- Q: “What branches will there be?” A: “Lime-tree branches. And some birch
- Q: “What do you think of Stronghold mode?” A: “Nice feature for clans.”
- the fact itself that a vehicle is very common in battles that does not make
a reason for rebalance (SS: but it is a good indicator of a vehicle to watch)
不會單因受歡迎就重平衡那台車(SS: 但是好好檢視的指標)
- it’s possible that new British TD’s will come this year (SS: as a part of
the Firefly branch)
- Q: “Will the players be able to put various stuff on their tank as extra
armor plates, boxes and stuff?” A: “Very distant future”
- Q: “How are you planning to nerf Chaffee in 9.3?” A: “We will remove its
wheels and gun”
9.3 要怎麼砍霞飛?「打算把輪子和砲拆掉」
- credit/XP penalties for losing will not be removed (SS: yes, someone
actually asks that)
- for now, nothing will be done about gold shells for credits
- significant changes if armor when T-62A gets reworked to HD? “I am not
sure that we have such detailed armor schematics for T-62A turret”
T-62A HD 化的時候裝甲會大改?「我不確定我們手上有沒有 T-62A 砲塔的詳細圖紙」
- it’s possible that the “Chinese Wall” map (available currently on
Chinese server only) will return, but “it depends on player opinion” (SS:
not sure how they want to collect player opinion on a map that’s not in the
『長城』地圖有可能回歸(SS: 目前只有陸服玩得到),但「要看玩家的反應」(SS: 大