- there is a chance (but no direct plan yet) of the IS-3 BL-9 being removed
and replaced by a historical gun (D-25TA) of equal firepower
有機會(但未成案)把 IS-3 的 BL-9 砲換成火力相同的史實砲(D-25TA)
- the next non-regular tank to be implemented is apparently the T-34-85M
下一台非銀幣車會是 T-34-85M(T6MT)
- Doppelrohrkasemattpanzer introduction is not likely at this moment, but it’
s not completely out of question apparently
(SS: if you are wondering what that is – this, without the 120mm of course,
there was apparently a 105mm version)
Doppelrohr Kasemattpanzer目前不大有機會出現,但不是完全絕望。
(SS: 當然不會給120滑膛砲,有105版本)
- if the info about Leopard Prototype B having a 90mm gun is confirmed, it is
possible it will appear in the game as a premium tank
如果證實 Leopard Prototype B 有裝90砲,那他有可能以金車的身份出現
- currently (!), there are no plans to introduce dedicated AA vehicles
- currently there are no actual plans to replace the AFK Panther with
something else, there is however a possibility and a candidate
目前尚無『把 AFK Panther 換掉』的計畫,但可能性仍然有,並有候選車
- T18 is considered to be replaced with something else in very distant future
在遙遠的未來有想把 T-18 換掉(譯者:不用換啊,砍兩刀就差不多了)
- it’s possible HESH shells mechanism will get reworked, possibly by adding
massive normalization to it (SS: as in 60 degrees or even more, in effect the
HESH shells will always impact under favourable angle, simulating the fact
that the round is actually more effective against sloped surfaces than
against vertical ones)
有可能修改 HESH 的運作機制,大概會大量增加其轉正角(SS: 讓入射角在60度或更多時
依然能轉回最佳角度,以模擬 HESH 攻擊斜面裝甲比垂直裝甲有效的情況。)
- there was apparently a project to mount “Blacker Bombard” on a Sherman.
It will not be implemented.
曾有個計畫要把『Blacker Bombard(一種步兵榴彈發射器)』裝上雪曼。當然不會在