A little fix on the yesterday’s piece of info first – I wrote that Evilly
said more premium tank buffs beyond what was already announced would come
around the Tanker’s Day (RU event). This was not correct (I did misread it),
Evilly wrote that the current buffs (the announced ones) are tied to the
Tanker’s Day. These are not however the last changes to premium vehicles,
these further changes will be announced later (no ETA).
Day 的一部分;依然還會有其他好康,只是沒有說什麼時候會宣佈。
- Storm was supposed to make the KTTS 9.3 video, but he got sick and Veider
had to take over on short notice, that’s whe he looks a bit “unprepared”
本來是 Storm 要進棚錄製 9.3 ASAP;但因為生病臨時找 Veider 代打,準備不周請多包
- Storm on the appearance of AC4 Thunderbolt in KTTS video: “For now, I can’
t tell you anything”
ASAP 裡出現的 AC4 Thunderbolt(澳洲車,裝17磅砲)?Storm:「目其無可奉告」
- according to Evilly, “Replay Manager” is a really nice mod, devs will
consider implementing it into the game
Evilly 表示『Replay Manager』是個很好的MOD,官方會考慮納入。
(譯者:樂見其成;現有的 Replay Manager 還在8.11版,而且中文是亂碼…)
- the reason why some things are not implemented as game features – instead,
WG leaves modders to do them – is that in wrong hands, mods can cause loss
of performance in the client. This is the specific reason why the developers
did allow the game to use mods. More mainstream good mods will appear in the
game in the future.
因為如果搞的不好可能影響效能,很多功能 WG 留著不做讓人寫 MOD 自己加。這也是當初
開放 MOD 功能的用意。還會有更多主流 MOD 被納入官方程式。
- according to Storm, there are apparently no problems with the way arty
currently is in the game
Storm 表示目前的自走砲沒問題
- there is no “TD rebalance” (of the whole class) planned
沒打算全面更動 TD
- developers are considering completely removing the option to disable
shadows (so that there are always shadows), all the shadows would in such a
case be static on low details (FPS issues)
KV-85 相對悲劇,-3度俯角真的很傷。
地面只要有任何小起伏都會無法瞄準,大概只能在平地跟人家玩 DPM 對決。
KV-1S 也沒有比 KV-1 突出…
85砲 -3.5度的俯角跟它大哥一樣囧。大概都會掛短 122 了,有-5度俯角比較能做事
霞飛線… 等著被砍吧!各各都是草上飛
SS 有寫簡單心得,有興趣可以看看