- the LTTB turret is actually historical. Sort of. It’s a regular T-34/85
turret with slightly enlarged turret ring (1600 to 1660mm). It was however
not designed for LTTB, it’s completely independent on that.
LTTB 的砲塔其實符合史實…算是吧。它其實是34/85的標準砲塔但擴大砲塔環。但當初
不是設計來給 LTTB 用的。
- the next gift tank (Panzer II Ausf.D) having too low penetration? “It’s
still supertest” and “No comment on leaks”
- no tank will be buffed just because some developers don’t play well with it
(譯者:會有這條是因為據稱 Storm 不喜歡開 IS-8;坐他隔壁的 Veider 常常聽到旁邊
傳來戰車被毀的音效 XDD
- German 37mm and 50mm subcaliber rounds lose a lot of penetration over
distance (more than others apparently). Veider states this is historical,
based on some documents. In the future, this will be reworked so all the
subcaliber shells of that respective caliber lose the same percentage of
their penetration
德國的 37 和 50mm 次口徑彈穿深值會隨距離增加而大幅降低(比其他砲彈掉的還快)。
Veider 表示這符合史實,依檔案紀錄。未來會把該口徑的的次口徑彈,穿深降低的比例
- the map reload time depends mostly on disk speeds
- Hellcat in 9.3 is doing fine according to Veider, it just lost the part
where it could act as a medium tank
據 Veider 表示地獄貓在 9.3 過得還不錯,只是不能當成中坦開了
- regarding the T-34/85 vs T-34 hull size differences: “Praxis showed that
it can be in either way. Even in one factory production run, there were size
differences.” (SS: that is true, but this issue was not limited to Soviet
production, Germans had a share of those as well)
T-34/85 和 T-34 的車身大小不同?「實際上是可能的。就算是同一個工廠生產,尺寸
也可能會有差異。」(SS: 不只蘇聯,德國也會)
- there’s apparently a 9.3 bug, where – when you disable the display of
leaves in sniper mode – the leaves of some trees are still getting displayed.
- apparently, RU251 turret LOD is messed up as well (depending on zoom, the
turret moves up and down)
RU251 的砲塔細部顯示也出錯
- the hangar UI rework in 9.3 solved “many things”
9.3 新界面解決「很多問題」
- new Murovanka is “significantly better than the old campfest”, old
Murovanka will not return
新 Murovanka「比舊的蹲坑版本要好的多」,舊版不會回歸
- old hangar UI will not be returned
- the processor core distribution was not touched lately apparently
- FCM 50t is fine statistically, but unpopular
FCM 50t 表現良好,可是不受歡迎(譯者:因為練法國重坦線的人少啊)
- the “NKVD officer” (leaving the battle punishment in replays) bug will be
- 0.9.1 test sounds (SS: remember? Hellcat and Jackson and such) were not
0.9.1 測試服的音效沒有被廢棄
- for now there is no plan for graphic overhaul of tech trees
- the new menu background ugly black to be changed? “We will do something
about it. But it has no influence on the game or on comfort.”
- Legionnaires (“mercenaries”) will be reworked, there are plans to do that
– they will “adhere to the principle of selection (of battle) the team
battles and random battles adhere to” (whatever that means), there are also
plans to make them benefit from the industrial resource they helped gather
(Q: “Something like the Department of War building for random players?” A:
“That is the general direction.”)
傭兵系統會被重製(剩下的看不懂,我要 call out)
- the HD textures were decided to be implemented as separate, because “the
texture quality of it is a bit better than “maximum” and given the
circumstances, the difference can only be told when looking at gun barrel
with magnifying glass”
把 HD 材質包分離是因為「只有在畫質設定到最大時有一點點不同,差別小到要靠放大鏡