[情報] 10/23 24 Q&A

作者: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-10-25 12:05:20
- SerB confirms that the current VK4502B will be replaced by Maus prototype. T
he rear turret tank will then either become a premium tank, or will turn into
the alternative hull for the existing VK4501A
VK4502B 會以鼠式原型車取代。不是轉為金幣車,就是拿去當VK4502A的可選車體
- SerB states that the problem with the previous issue of historical battles w
as in getting enough players for both teams. Now WG is working on PvE historic
al battles.
- no plans for historical battle PvP mode
- the account statistics reset for gold was just a rumor
用金幣重置數據 是謠言
- the characteristics of the Fury Sherman are worse than the characteristics o
f HD M4A3E8 will be
HD E8 的數據會比 Fury 好
- the final fate of FV4202? “We will do what we consider necessary”
- Fury is heavier than regular Sherman “because of the logs and other junk
- developers do not plan to support standard render anymore, instead they plan
to optimize the improved render so much that it can replace the standard one
- it is not true that developers are nerfing vehicles based on the wishes of t
he community
- according to Storm, the statement that the gameplay of WoT was simplified ma
ny times in the past is not true
- apparently, there are no plans to make vehicles like KV-13, T-43 and A-20 mo
re competitive, considering the changes of the game
沒打算把像是 KV-13, T-43 和 A-20 改的更好開
- SU-85B is doing fine characteristics-wise
SU-85B 數據沒問題
- light tanks will be buffed
- apparently T67 (former T49) TD needs a nerf according to Storm
T67 TD 需要被砍
- the render radius (when it turns from rectangle to circle) will be 565 meter
- the current maxium spotting distance (445m) will not be increased
- developers do take into consideration that the prepared nerf of bush camo bo
nus (SS: 20-25 percent off their camo bonus) will negatively impact passive sc
- Storm confirms: Sixth Sense will not be simply a perk, it will be radioman’
s “ability”, that will work always
- a player was complaining, that the role of armor in the game is decreased by
vehicles (guns), that are too new, being introduced into the game. Storm stat
es that it’s not about the age of the vehicle, but only the gun’s penetratio
n. Whether gun penetration will change Storm cannot say for now, he needs to a
nalyze additional statistics. He thinks that he’ll recieve the statistics soo
有人抱怨新出的車讓裝甲的重要性減少。Storm 表示這是穿深的問題;還不好說會怎麼改
- Storm played a lot on new Murovanka and he thinks the map improved, you have
more freedom to act.
Storm 覺得蹲坑懦夫卡改的不坑了
- Q: “Maus had 265mm frontal armor, buff!” A (SerB): “That’s complete crap
and ignorance on the matter unfortunately.”
- SerB states that the situation where you have the Intuition loader perk, tha
t activates as soon as the countdown reaches 0 when you switch shells during c
ountdown is correct

- 9.5 will come around New Year apparently
9.5 會在新年附近推出
- Storm thinks 9.4 is not “some half-patch” – “there’s a new map, premium
tanks being tested in order to be released for New Year, noticeable optimizat
ions and new version of Stronghold – many things that are pointless to postpo
- it’s possible 9.5 will contain a new batch of tanks with transmission/engin
e split
- in 9.4 Test 2, Stalingrad has increased chance of dropping
- Panther 88mm will not have limited MM according to Storm, bit he admits it m
ight still change
Storm 表示88豹不會有分房保護,但未定案
- developers are currently balancing new tanks for 9.5 (“there are many of th
- developers will consider the fate of KV-5 radioman after the Sixth Sense is
- 9.5 will bring no reworked HD tanks, only new tanks (the Firefly branch, pre
mium and special tanks)
- the Firefly branch WILL have its own tier 10 (SS: FV4005 Stage 2 – because
this game TOTALLY needs another FV215b 183, only without any armor but with be
tter gun handling)
- few patches back, developers were working on doppler effect of “shells whis
tling by” – but Storm is not sure where did that go
之前有研發砲彈掠過的呼嘯聲,Storm 不清楚進度到哪了
- Storm confirms that the 1/1/1 armor of M56 Scorpion is correct (“it will su
ffer if rammed”)
Storm 證實 M56 蠍式的裝甲 1/1/1 沒錯
- there is a chance Havok might until New Year, but no guarantees
Havok 可能在新年推出,但不保證
Storm states that in 9.4 Test 2, they did the following with the sounds:
- lowered the deafening shot sound filter niveau in the turret
- made the metallic clank element of the shot sound louder
- tweaked the volume levels
- made the sounds of large calibers a bit louder
作者: batterykugua (battery)   2014-10-25 16:51:00
T67砍得好砍T67後 WG:很明顯M8A1太OP...(略

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