[情報] 10/26 Q&A

作者: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-10-27 01:14:47
- apparently, the feature where top three players of losing team get extra
credits will not be implemented
- Chi-Ri had several variants of suspension, it’s possible that one of the
heavier ones with 88mm will be added to the heavy Japanese tank branch (SS:
SerB is mistaken here. The 88mm Chi-Ri is a fake, started by American
engineers exploring the Japanese vehicle plans after the war)
(SS: SerB 搞錯了。88砲五式戰車是架空出來的,是由戰後美國工程師研究日本戰車發

- Chinese-used Chi-Ha did not have any special Chinese designation
- apparently, SerB is participating in alphatesting of WoWs, but he’s hiding
SerB 隱姓埋名參加戰艦世界的 alpha 測試
- when removing interface in battle (pressing V), FPS goes up a lot? “Most
likely your card doesn’t do well with Scaleform – that’s a Flash-like
engine, widely used for interface creation. Please note that we are not
responsible for Scaleform-based mod optimization.”
戰鬥時把界面隱藏起來(V)會讓 FPS 大幅上升?「很可能是你的顯卡和 Scaleform 引

(類似 Flash)不合;這界面引擎很普遍。請注意,我們不對模組的優化負責。」
- Storm realizes that STA-2 (upcoming Japanese premium) is worse than STA-1,
but “unfortunately, we haven’t simply found any other candidate”
Storm 知道 STA-2(日本八階金幣中坦)比 STA-1 還差,但「很可惜我們沒找到其他候

- Evilly states that in 9.5 or 9.6, premium vehicle profitability will be
further buffed (“indirectly”)
Evilly 表示 9.5 或 9.6 會(間接地)上調金車的賺錢能力
- it’s possible that the AFK punishment system will be changed to take game
crashes into account
- Storm states that the difference between FV215b (183) and FV4005 Stage 2
will be: “One will be armored and slow, the other unrarmored and relatively
FV215b (183) vs FV4005 Stage 2?Storm:「重裝甲緩慢 vs 輕裝甲較快」
(註:FV4005 Stage 2 大頭全周14mm,車體正面76mm@57度,英國玻璃巨砲)
- Storm himself is bothered by the modellers always saying “sorry, we don’t
have any new HD models for this patch”, but he can’t do anything about it
Storm 個人對建模商老是說:「抱歉,這次更新生不出HD模組」感到不爽,但也無能為力
- there will be third test of 9.4
9.4 會有三測
- Storm states that the situation where on GTX550Ti enabling shadows causes
you to lose 20 FPS is normal
Storm 表示 GTX550Ti 開啟陰影時 FPS 會掉 20 屬正常現象
作者: batterykugua (battery)   2014-10-28 01:09:00
IS-8好玩 我這台的勝率莫名的高 別沒試過就放棄啊
作者: googleandapp (阿拉威)   2014-10-28 09:40:00

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