[情報] 11/22 Q&A

作者: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-11-23 01:20:24
有 SerB 的 Q&A 才精彩啊~ 前幾天的…抱歉,有空再說吧
- Q: “Is arty balance okay? They seem to be crawling out of woodwork again.”
A (SerB): “It’s fine. It’s good that there’s more of them.”
- Q: “What’s up with supertesters, I see them driving around in random
battles with exclusive tanks and they suck!” A: (SerB) “If you have to
envy, do it silently.”
- Q: “If we had Panzer IV and T-34 in historical configurations, what tiers
would they fit?” A (SerB): “You see, that depends on the historical number
of hitpoints.”
- Q: “It was said that the T110E4 has worse aimtime than E3 as a price for
having a turret. How come German WT’s have the same stats as the
non-turretted German TD’s?” A: “Just imagine that the Germans implemented
it better.” (SS: as in, it’s just a balance decision)
Q:「據說 110E4 的瞄準時間比 E3 差是因為有砲塔的緣故。那為啥德國有砲塔TD的瞄準
- SerB states that the situation, where optics get destroyed by hitting driver
’s periscopes is correct
SerB 表示駕駛的潛望鏡被擊中而造成觀測裝置被毀並沒有錯
- IS and IS-3 have the same D-25 (D-2-5) reload times as KV-3 and KV-4,
despite IS series having one loader and KV series two historically, because
the second loader “eliminates the design drawback”
雖然裝填手人數較少,IS 和 IS-3 跟 KV-3、KV-4 用同一門 D-25 時裝填時間卻相同。
這是因為 KV 系列的第二裝填手「抵銷了設計上缺失」
- Individual Missions are time limited, but the limit is quite long. They
will come in seasons, around half a year ones.
- Evilly states that when it comes to difficult missions, “cumulative effect
is better than everyday grind” (admits that the previous very difficult
grinding missions – specifically the KV-220 one on RU server – were a
Evilly 對困難的任務表示「做成累積進度的效果比逼你每天消磨要來的好」(承認之前
要每天都要磨進度的困難任務是錯誤設計,特別是俄服的 KV-220 任務)
- Evilly states that the Object 260 missions will be intentionally very
Evilly 表示 Object 260 的任務是故意做得非常難

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