-Currently the idea is to expand the modmaker community, to work with
modmakers and to support them directly from Minsk. There are a lot of issues
in this endeavor, such as the fact that there's no unified knowledge database
or set of tools, an official discussion platform etc. (RG: this concerns
mostly RU server, don't expect miracles on EU);
目前的計畫是擴張 MOD 製作者的社群,並由明斯克總部直接合作及提供支援。但問題不
少,例如 MOD 製作者的知識水準參差不齊,且缺少統一的工具和官方討論區域
-Mods appeared in the game in version;
MOD 支援始於 版
-More than a half of players uses mods;
超過半數的玩家有裝 MOD
-The "Battle Assistant" artillery mod is not banned, but also not recommended
by Wargaming and doesn't appear in popular modpacks. Nevertheless, the person
who made it is very talented (RG: Funny because Wargaming chose it as the
winner of a Mod contest);
Battle Assistant 模組沒有被禁用,但 WG 不推薦使用它,且未見於受歡迎的模組包中
-There is no clear definition as to which mod is a cheat and which is not. WG
reviews each mod individually and decides ad hoc.
關於哪個模組是作弊而哪些不是,並沒有明確的定義。WG 將每個模組都當成個案處理
-A "mod manager" (an application allowing you to easily select which mods to
run) is a really good idea according to WG, they are thinking about it. It
would look something like the App Store magazine.
WG 認為『模組管理程式』是很棒的想法,他們正在構思。會把他做成像是蘋果商店一樣
-Currently, developers are working on the WG Stream mod, there's an idea to
make players able to watch streams within battles;
-Mods DO affect FPS, especially larger modpacks - situations where modpacks
"eat" 10-20 FPS are not uncommon;
模組會影響效能,特別是那些肥大的模組包:吃掉 10~20 FPS 並不罕見
-"AutoMessage" mod (the one that writes in chat that the player was spotted
and other stuff) will be "fixed", developers are not happy with the chat spam;
-At one point, WG wanted to create their own modpack, but then they realized
an official WG modpack would "strangle" all other modpacks to death and WG
would gain a monopoly, which is not something they wanted;
WG 曾經想推出官方模組包,但發現這將壓縮其他模組包的生存空間而造成一支獨大;
-XVM will not be implemented into the game;
不會納入 XVM
-Next week, there will be a meeting with WoWs developers and it will be
decided what will happen with the mod situation in WoWs (RG: Hope they keep a
strong fist on cheat mods);
-WG wants modmakers to make new mods, mods will not be banned as a whole;
-It's possible there will be another Wargaming Developer Contest;
可能會再有一次『Wargaming 開發者大賽』
-WG developers want players to use mods;
-WG is working with certain modmakers, helping them in writing their mods,
it's very productive work;
-WG Stream and Wargaming FM mods were made by modmakers on WG commission;
官方實況模組和官方廣播模組都是由 WG 委託的模組寫手寫出來的
-It's possible cybersports will have a list of mods that are allowed;
-There has been a "tactical pad" mod for clans for a long time, but it found
its users among solo players as well;
-How WG identifies cheat mod users is a "secret" (RG: It's understandable,
other companies tend to do the same but just start on banning them already!).
WG 如何找出作弊玩家的方法是『機密』(RG: 可以理解。其他公司也是一樣,直接停權)