Re: [討論] 眾家姊妹們怎麼看「鬼島」這個辭彙?

作者: leefengyuh (不乖的孩子 光榮的困境)   2014-03-30 16:11:28
@ The World Bank P1
Middle-Income Traps Past and Present
In the postwar era, many countries have managed to fairly rapidly reach
middle-income status, but few have gone on to become high-income economies.
二戰後 許多國家相當快速的達到中等收入 但只有少數能繼續成長 成了高收入經濟體
Rather, after an initial period of rapid ascent, many countries have experienc
ed a sharp slowdown in growth and productivity, falling into what has been
called a “middle-income trap.”
在初期的快速增長後 許多國家經歷成長和生產力的急速減速 掉入"中等收入陷阱"
the World Bank (2012) estimates that of 101 middle-income economies in 1960,
only 13 became high income by 2008
在1960年 全世界有101個中等收入經濟體
這其中只有少數13個 在2008年以前 晉升成了高收入
— Equatorial Guinea Greece Hong Kong
Ireland Israel Japan
Mauritius Portugal Puerto Rico
the Republic of Korea Singapore Spain
and Taiwan
作者: nini5400 (不要問 你會怕)   2014-03-30 17:16:00

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