dk2006 (Chasing American Dream)
2015-12-25 09:03:50各位女孩好,我本身也很喜歡Skechers這牌子的走路鞋,看到這麼多女孩的心聲,可以推
Dear Skechers customer service,
https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1450968576.A.539.htmlꀨIn Chinese)
I am a Skechers customer in Taiwan. Recently I read from one of the largest fo
rums in Taiwan( the link above), that a lot of girls who wear Skechers go-walk
series walking shoes without wearing socks, are complaining about it becomes
really stinks, even after wash it, after wearing a while. These girls who wear
other brands of shoes are not facing the same problem. I think maybe it's bec
ause of the humid weather in Taiwan which made that happen, but I'm wondering
Skechers could fix this issue, because Skechers is a well loved and very popul
ar shoes wear brand in Taiwan for girls and women. I hope you could help me fo
rward this email to your R&D department or management so they could take a loo
k at this problem the Taiwanese customers are facing.ꀊ
Thanks and regards,
※ 引述《bonbon0727 (阿蹦蹦)》之銘言:
: 如題
: 真的很愛穿sketchers的鞋子,尤其是懶人包鞋,連之前去日本穿這雙趴趴走的沒問題
: 但是每次穿久了都會臭臭的。(自認平常沒什麼流腳汗)
: 有一次還認真的洗了他一次但還是很臭,有沒有人知道有什麼方法可以解決呢?