文章內容其實是在描述美國男性和亞洲女 性的婚姻狀況 Q. Fiancé worried my genes will affect his son’s ‘package 未婚夫怕我的基因會影響到小孩的GG My brother was bullied by jocks using this idiotic stereotype in high school so I was incredibly angered, 我的弟弟曾因為亞洲男小gg這刻板印象在 高中的時候被霸凌 I was mortified when I read his real reason for not wanting a son is that my ‘Asian genes’ would mean his son would have a ‘small package!’ 我感到羞愧當我讀到信發現他不想要兒子 的原因是因為我"亞洲基因",換句話來說他 的兒子會有小gg 總而言之,亞洲男性的Y染色體勢必要在 人類社會中被淘汰,我估計大概需要三個 世紀