rebornMAI (rebornMAI)
2021-04-30 15:15:05◣ ◣
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╰┼┼╮ ╲﹒ ╯ 不看簡體,不然要看圭賢? │
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※ 引述《musashi0839 (常山七次郎)》之銘言:
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6piu_0RKfag
: 影片中是把英文詩翻成中文在朗誦 約一分多鐘的影片
: 憤怒雞可以來評價一下嗎
: 大家也一起來說說看..
: 附上英文原文
: O, gather up the brokenness
: Bring it to me now
: The fragrance of those promises
: You never dared to vow
: The splinters that you carried
: The cross you left behind
: Come healing of the body
: Come healing of the mind
: And let the heavens hear it
: The penitential hymn
: Come healing of the spirit
: Come healing of the limb
: Behold the gates of mercy
: In arbitrary space
: And none of us deserving
: Of cruelty or the grace
: O, solitude of longing
: Where love has been confined
: Come healing of the body
: Come healing of the mind
: O, see the darkness yielding
: That tore the light apart
: Come healing of the reason
: Come healing of the heart
: O, troubledness concealing
: An undivided love
: The heart beneath is teaching
: To the broken heart above
: And let the heavens falter
: Let the earth proclaim
: Come healing of the altar
: Come healing of the name
: O, longing of the branches
: To lift the little bud
: O, longing of the arteries
: To purify the blood
: And let the heavens hear it
: The penitential hymn
: Come healing of the spirit
: Come healing of the limb
: O let the heavens hear it
: The penitential hymn
: Come healing of the spirit
: Come healing of the limb
祖國怎麼翻 就怎麼看!!
照這樣搞 一本書看十年都不是問題