jim1029 (大宗)
2014-06-16 09:15:30分數範圍 ★★★★★ 1~5
Goal Choice
Best Player K. Benzema France
Worst Player W. Palacios Honduras
H. Lloris 3
Had little to do for much of the fixture. When called upon, the Tottenham
shot-stopper exuded confidence, and looked comfortable in his play.
整場比賽沒什麼事做 但是輪到他的時候還是做得很好
M. Debuchy 3
Upstaged somewhat on the right-flank, but Debuchy was largely comfortable,
getting up forward to supplement the attack.Always on the move, giving France
another dimension.
雖然不太受注意 但是表現十分沉穩 也上前提供進攻能量
P. Evra 3
Evra looked a little jittery in the opening stages, but fared well
defensively, keeping Honduras at arm's length.
剛開賽有點緊張 但是防守表現出色
R. Varane 3
The Champions League winner was preferred to Koscielny tonight, and he showed
why he is highly-rated, with a good performance, and a couple of key
勝過Koscielny擔任先發 他也展現了他的價值 有幾次關鍵的斷球
M. Sakho 3
Sakho's two goals against Ukraine is the reason why France are in Brazil, and
the Liverpool centre-back performed his duties well for the duration of the
因為Sakho對烏克蘭進了兩球 法國才能來到巴西 他在比賽中也完成自己的任務
P. Pogba 3
The hot-headed Juventus midfielder was lucky not to have seen red after a
tangle with Wilson Palacios, in an incident which marred what otherwise was a
good performance. Substituted in the seond half.
幸好沒有因為腦衝吞紅牌 此外的表現還不錯 下半場被換掉
Y. Cabaye 3
Was a thorn in the side of the opposition with his crisp passing and good
movement. Played the pass that led to the penalty, and was generally in good
form before he was substituted.
跑傳都造成對手困擾 傳球製造了12碼球 被替換前都保持良好狀態
M. Valbuena 4
Valbuena was electric in the first half, with his pace and trickery causing
distinct havoc for the opposition. Rallied from brutal attention from the
opposition to make a starring impact for France tonight.
上半場的發動機 造成了對手的大災難
B. Matuidi 3.5
The dynamic PSG midfielder played an important role for his side, stretching
the play, and utilising pockets of space for the forwards to work with.
Impressive in the final third, and tested Valladares with a teasing effort.
Should've done better with his finishing.
拉開攻擊為前鋒製造空間 比賽終段令人印象深刻 臨門一腳可以做得更好
K. Benzema 4
Starred in his World Cup debut, bagging two goals - and a conscientious
third, which was only decided by goal-line technology. Looked sharp, and
central to his nation's World Cup hopes.
受注目的初登場 進了兩球 還讓官方展示了球門線技術 是法國希望
A. Griezmann 3.5
Griezmann stepped up to the mettle with great attacking play. Worked in sync
with his attacking partners, and was generally a threat throughout the game.
和隊友製造了一些出色的攻擊 讓對手一直備受威脅
R. Mavuba 3
Came on to shore up a flagging French midfield, and assumed his duties well,
with minimal fuss.
保護黃牌加身的中場們 把份內的事做得很好
M. Sissoko 3
The Newcastle man came on in the second half, and slotted in well, creating a
couple of opportunities.
下半場上場後融入隊伍 創造了一些機會
N. Valladares 2
Struggled between the sticks against an incisive French forward line.
Credited with an own goal that he failed to prevent.
掙扎於法國的進攻箭頭 靠OG得了一分
B. Beckeles 2
Another defender who preferred physicality over tactics tonight. Kicked out
at Valbuena, and struggled with the pace and tenacity of the French.
喜歡硬上的後衛 完全輸給Valbuena的速度和韌性
E. Izaguirre 1.5
The Celtic full-back played his part with a number of ferocious tackling ,
and - at times unnecessary fouls. Didn't attack, and was largely in and out
of the game.
凶狠的鏟球 不必要的犯規 沒有進攻
V. Bernárdez 2.5
Fared well in a cagey first half, but saw his evening curtailed with injury
at half-time.
上半場踢得不錯 中場因傷所困
M. Figueroa 2.5
The better of the Honduran defenders tonight, working hard to limit the
chances of the opposition, but he was bested tonight.
宏都拉斯今晚最盡力防守的球員 多少限制了對手 但是仍然被擊敗
L. Garrido 2
Garrido struggled to assert himself in the midfield after the red card, as
France utilised the space left by the departed Palacios. Booked unnecessarily
in the second half.
隊友紅牌出場後要守住整個中場就很掙扎 下半場吃了張無益的黃牌
A. Najar 2
Najar was another who flickered ever so briefly, as Honduras were forced to
limit France, rather than attack them after half-time.Substituted in the
second period.
受迫於無法攻擊 表現極有限 下半場被換下場
W. Palacios 1.5
One of the most experienced players in his side, but he didn't show it
tonight. Sent off with two petulant fouls on Paul Pogba, and generally left
his team in a mess.
看不出來他在隊上最老經驗 兩次魯莽的犯規為球隊留下了一張紅牌和一團混亂
R. Espinoza 2
The Wigan midfielder failed to make any lasting impact this evening, with his
side down to ten men - turned to damage limitation, ending any hopes of
showing creativity.
無法維持住衝擊性 球隊少打一人之後也絕望了
C. Costly 2
Failed to deliver tonight, and left isolated up front for the majority of the
game as France began to turn on the style in the second half.
在前場孤立無援 沒有輸出
J. Bengtson 2.5
Bengtson, Honduras' key striker, was substituted after half-time as Luis
Suarez sacrificed his star man. Was largely intermittent in the first half.
宏都拉斯主力攻擊手 中場就被教練換下了 上半場的表現時有時無
J. Claros 2
Replaced the ineffectual Andy Najar just before the hour, and made few waves
in an otherwise indifferent cameo.
B. García 2
Replaced the injured Bernardez after half-time, but struggled to make a
similar impact, as Honduras shipped tow further goals.
替換了受傷的Bernardez 但是無法補上他的空缺