[討論] GOAL.com 巴西 0-0 墨西哥 賽後評分

作者: jim1029 (大宗)   2014-06-18 07:27:29
分數範圍 ★★★★★ 1~5
Goal Choice
Best Player
Worst Player
Júlio César 3.5
The goalkeeper made a few smart saves towards the end, ensuring that Mexico
didn't steal a late winner.
賽末幾次巧妙的救球 確保墨西哥沒有偷走勝利
David Luiz 3
Looked solid and ensured that the likes of Peralta and Dos Santos weren't
given too much breathing room.
穩固的防守讓Peralta和Dos Santos沒有舒適的發揮空間
Marcelo 3.5
Made a poor decision to go down easily in Mexico's penalty area towards the
end, but lead plenty of attacks down the left and showed real desire.
發起多次左路攻擊 展現求勝慾望 賽末在墨西哥禁區輕易的摔倒
Dani Alves 2.5
Delivered a few excellent passes into the box and down the right hand side
for Bernard to chase, but wasn't convincingly defensively.
幾次精彩的傳進禁區 右翼也給Bernard幾次賽跑的機會 但是防守不安定
Thiago Silva 3.5
Made a number of very important headed interventions and clearances and was
an aerial threat in both boxes.
頭腳並用多次重要的解圍 在兩邊禁區都取得制空權
Luiz Gustavo 3
Offered some balance and bite in midfield to give Scolari's offensive options
far more freedom, but was sometimes careless in possession.
攻守均衡讓攻擊手能自由發揮 但有時處理球不謹慎
Ramires 2
Worked hard but picked up a yellow card in the first period. Didn't offer
much going forward and was sacrificed at half time as a result.
第一節很努力但是只領到一張黃牌 中場時被替換
Oscar 2.5
Looked inventive but wasn't given enough of the ball, as the attacking
midfielder hugged the touchline for long periods.
創造力佳的攻擊中場但是持球機會不夠 都在邊線遊走
Paulinho 2
The central midfielder didn't move the ball quickly enough and looked
generally sluggish, despite forcing Ochoa into a good first half save.
在中場帶球不夠快看起來有點遲鈍 上半場有一球被Ochoa精彩撲救
Neymar 3
Looked inventive and forced Ochoa into a fantastic first half save to prevent
his header from sailing into the back of the net, just petered out as the
game went on.
創造了一次完美的頭錘但是在破網前一刻被Ochoa撲出 之後表現就慢慢黯淡下來
Fred 1.5
Looked slow and unable to get on the end of any crosses, rather than an
instinctive goalscorer. Gave away possession far too often.
看起來移動緩慢 追不到傳中球 太輕易交出球權 一點都不像直覺敏銳的得分手
Willian 2.5
Didn't have a great deal of time to make an impact on proceedings.
Bernard 3
Offered pace and was a direct runner on the right, putting in a couple of
devilish deliveries and linked up with Neymar and Oscar fairly well.
為右翼提供速度 有幾次刁鑽的傳球 跟Neymar和Oscar合作愉快
Jô 2
Missed a brilliant late opportunity after being slid through on goal by
Bernard, the substitute just couldn't find the target.
賽末Bernard一次門前穿越球的大好機會卻沒把握住 替補上場卻忘了帶準星
G. Ochoa 4.5
Made a string of brilliant saves to keep Brazil out, with the pinnacle being
a near post reflex stop to deny Neymar.
一連串神撲救讓巴西無法越雷池一步 巔峰之作就是擋下了Neymar的近柱頭錘
M. Layún 3
Showed great athleticism and pace down the left hand side and delivered a
couple of testing crosses.
左路出色的運動能力 一些充滿挑戰性的橫傳
R. Márquez 3.5
Used his experience to complete a solid performance, but was also keen to
bring the ball out from the back when possible.
運用他的經驗幫助比賽 也能把球帶出後場
A. Guardado 3.5
Wasn't afraid to try his luck from range and scraped the crossbar with a late
left-footed strike. A pest throughout.
勇於挑戰遠射 有一次削到了橫樑
Paul Aguilar 3
Worked hard to offer width and also track back. Struggled to deal with the
combination of Marcelo and Neymar at times.
努力為球隊拉開空間 也能回撤 有時疲於應付Marcelo和Neymar
F. Rodríguez 3.5
Made a couple of vital interceptions and covering tackles, especially to deny
a Bernard cross early in the second half.
幾次必要的攔截和鏟斷 尤其是Bernard下半場一開始的傳中
H. Moreno 3.5
Stepped out from the defensive line when required and made a few key headers.
A faultless outing.
防守的重要時刻都能站出來 有一些關鍵的頭錘 沒有犯什麼錯誤
J. Vázquez 3
Made cynical and niggly fouls to ensure the back three weren't exposed by
Brazil, as well as going incredibly close from range on two occasions.
一些犯規讓後場不會暴露在巴西的攻擊之下 有兩次非常接近得遠射
H. Herrera 3
Went close from range twice and improved from early sloppiness. Battled in
the midfield third.
從開賽的草率恢復 兩次遠射都沒偏差太多 在中場打拼
O. Peralta 2.5
Only threatened on one occasion, weaving between Marcelo and Thiago Silva on
his way into the area, as Brazil kept Mexico's top scorer quiet.
巴西把他守得很好 只有一次晃過Marcelo和Silva到禁區
G. dos Santos 2.5
Drifted in between the lines and caused a few problems, forcing Julio Cesar
into some routine stops.
在場上游走 讓Cesar做了幾個普通的攔阻
M. Fabián 2.5
Battled and broke up play in the centre of midfield and ensured that Brazil
were under pressure until the last.
在中場拼鬥斷球 讓巴西一直處在壓力之下
J. Hernández 2.5
Popped up a couple of times in the penalty area, but was dealt with fairly
well by David Luiz.
幾次現身在禁區 但是Luiz都能不錯地應付他
R. Jiménez 3
Had one strike saved well by Julio Cesar and even tracked back to do his
share of defensive work.
一次射門被Cesar擋下 會回撤幫忙防守
作者: weedyc (猴子)   2014-06-18 07:28:00
作者: gy39764 (新威尼斯的鳳尾船)   2014-06-18 07:28:00
作者: QoiiwWe (G)   2014-06-18 07:29:00
作者: orgysolitude (eureka)   2014-06-18 07:29:00
作者: gy39764 (新威尼斯的鳳尾船)   2014-06-18 07:31:00
作者: gyarados (おかえり)   2014-06-18 07:34:00
作者: n0926138569   2014-06-18 07:34:00
Ochoa 這場 沒10分 也要有8.5分 表現太精彩!
作者: brian980466 (brian)   2014-06-18 07:40:00
作者: callmefuck (在澳洲抱無尾熊過冬)   2014-06-18 07:47:00
看看義英戰 那場評價都很高
作者: plokm160   2014-06-18 07:52:00
4.5顆星 就是9分了阿XD
作者: mathrew (Joey)   2014-06-18 07:54:00
才 4.5 給分太小氣了
作者: shivaeye (瑜字營)   2014-06-18 07:57:00
作者: QoiiwWe (G)   2014-06-18 08:02:00
作者: bryon (松、竹、梅)   2014-06-18 08:09:00
作者: ctes940008 (蛤!我只是小兵!?)   2014-06-18 08:09:00
Ochoa 幾霸分
作者: mstar (Wayne Su)   2014-06-18 08:25:00
這網站給分範圍好像就是 1.5 - 4.5 而已
作者: haoto (發飼料了)   2014-06-18 08:25:00
作者: dexgaga (dex)   2014-06-18 08:40:00
幹 早知不要串這場了
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2014-06-18 08:41:00
Ochoa 才 4.5 分 我還以為他會拿到滿分...
作者: k45446123 (雲林俊傑)   2014-06-18 08:45:00
作者: Doralice   2014-06-18 08:45:00
Marcelo 忘了套色
作者: Jim43 (小盛)   2014-06-18 09:48:00
作者: Monoprix ( )   2014-06-18 10:28:00
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2014-06-18 10:36:00
就是以為他會拿5分啊 不過荷蘭雙箭頭都拿4.5, 他拿4.5也是差不多了
作者: piliwu (Love Ciroc!)   2014-06-18 10:46:00
作者: SaintDenis (Les Parapluies de Paris)   2014-06-18 11:02:00
老頭子scolari選了兩個退化的前鋒 好像根本跑不動
作者: thatislife (海海人蔘)   2014-06-18 12:20:00
賽末在墨西哥禁區輕易的摔倒 這在婊Marcelo XDDD
作者: pikaq (要問水晶球~)   2014-06-18 12:47:00

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