分數範圍 ★★★★★ 1~5
Goal Choice
Best Player J. Rodríguez Colombia
Worst Player Y. Konno Japan
E. Kawashima 川島永嗣 2.5
Had no chance with any of the goals and was largely let down by his defence,
who didn't award him much protection. Pulled off a couple of decent saves.
所有進球都無能為力 後防線門戶洞開令他失望 有幾個不錯的撲救
M. Yoshida 吉田麻也 2.5
Was probably more effective in the opposition area than at the back. Put
himself about at set-pieces and won some aerial duels from deliveries into
the box.
在前場可能比在後場有效用 定位球的機會裡他贏得幾次制空權
A. Uchida 内田篤人 3
Was useful as an extra winger down the right-hand side and gave his
team-mates an outlet. Had a crack at goal from 30 yards that went just wide
of the post.
做為右翼額外的邊鋒十分有用 一次30碼的遠射從門柱旁飛過
Y. Nagatomo 長友佑都 2.5
Started the match well and looked to stretch the Colombian defence with width
down the left-hand side, but crosses into the box were not consistently good
enough to pose a real threat to the defence.
表現不錯 在左路提供寬度拉扯對方防線 但是傳中不夠穩定無法造成真正威脅
Y. Konno 今野泰幸 2
Stupidly dived in and took down Adrian Ramos inside the box when the Colmbian
was actually moving out of the danger area. Struggled with the movement of
the attackers.
愚蠢地在禁區鏟倒要把球帶出去的Ramos 掙扎於應付對方攻擊者的行動
M. Hasebe 長谷部誠 2.5
Anchored the midfield pretty well and recycled possession effectively at
times in the first half. Drifted out of contention as the game went on as he
looked exhausted.
鎮守中場出色 上半場能有效地處理球 但是隨比賽的進行慢慢變得疲憊 失去競爭力
T. Aoyama 青山敏弘 2.5
Put in a terrific block on a Jackson Martinez strike on the edge of the box
and aimed to get in the faces of the opposition, but eventually looked
completely fatigued as he was withdrawn in the second half.
精采擋下Martinez的射門 力求對抗對手 被換下場時看起來完全虛脫了
K. Honda 本田圭佑 2
Had plenty of opportunities to affect the game from set-pieces but was
extremely hot and cold. Delivery was poor but did swing a free kick a yard
wide of the post. Second half didn't improve and creativity wasn't there.
自由球有很多影響比賽的機會但是表現起伏不定 傳導不佳 有一球只差了門柱一碼
下半場狀態沒有提升 創造力也不在
S. Kagawa 香川真司 2
Started on the left-hand side but could always be found drifting inside.
Tested the keeper with a decent strike but mainly cut a frustrated figure as
most of his passes and finishes didn't come off.
先發放在左路但是總是在中央遊走 一次不錯的射門挑戰門將 但是經常顯得沮喪
Y. Okubo 大久保嘉人 2.5
(譯按:英文版沒寫評論 這邊用中文的)
S. Okazaki 岡崎慎司 3
Was deployed slightly out of position down the right flank but could often be
found drifting into the box, which paid dividends just before the break when
he equalised with a terrific header into the corner.
安排在右翼但是時常跑進禁區 也有得到獎賞 中場前一個精彩的頭錘頂向角落追平比數
H. Kiyotake 清武弘嗣 2.5
Didn't have enough time to affect the play.
Y. Kakitani 柿谷曜一朗 2.5
Failed to have an impact.
D. Ospina 3
Perhaps should have done better with the equalising goal in the first half as
he got a hand to it but the attempt did have some power behind it. Commanded
the area well.
面對追平球可能可以做得更好 雖然碰到了但是那球後勁十足 除此之外掌控著禁區
S. Arias 2.5
Was always looking to break ahead and get involved in the attack and provided
some width on the right. Did lose the runs of Nagatomo a few times, though.
總是試圖上前參與進攻 在右路提供一些寬度 不過有幾次跑輸長友
P. Armero 3
Displayed a terrific engine on the left flank as he tirelessly patrolled the
touchline both offensively and defensively. Was relentless in his pressing of
the Japanese midfield.
左翼傑出的發動機 不管攻防都巡邏著整條邊線 無情地壓迫著日本的中場
É. Álvarez 3
Started the match well as he made some excellent blocks on the edge of the
box but was extremely lucky not to be sent off as he threw an elbow right in
the face of Okazaki.
開賽表現良好 在禁區邊緣有一些精采的攔阻 對岡崎臉部的肘擊運氣好沒被判出場
C. Valdés 3
Was impressive when he soaked up the pressure and provided a formidable
barrier at the back. However, rashly left his position at times to give away
needless free kicks in dangerous areas.
吸收壓力轉化成強大的後防 令人印象深刻 但是幾次貿然失位送了無謂的危險自由球
A. Mejía 3
Was the more defensively minded of the midfield duo. Marshaled the area in
front of the defence well and didn't allow too much room for Honda and Kagawa
to operate.
中場雙人組比較偏防守的一個 防守調度良好 沒讓本田和香川有太多運作空間
J. Cuadrado 3.5
Was given a more advanced role than usual and prospered in his freedom as he
was Colombian's most positive influence in the first half. Opened the scoring
with a well-taken penalty.
扮演比平常更進階的角色 自由發揮的結果十分出色 是上半場最具正面影響力的球員
F. Guarín 3
Provided a box-to-box performance. In defence he was always situated just in
front of the back four but was instrumental in instigating counterattacks
whenever he won the ball.
提供禁區來回的服務 防守總是站位在後衛之前 當他贏得球之後就會變成反擊的策動者
J. Martínez 4
Had a quiet first half in which his touch looked suspect. However, flourished
after James came on and earned a brace with two terrific finishes.
上半場的控球表現令人懷疑 但是James上場之後他就開花了 精采進了兩球
J. Quintero 2.5
Attempted to fill the creative void left by the absence from the start of
James but was guilty of forcing it in the final third. Attempted quite a few
dribbles that didn't come off and was subbed at half-time
試圖補上James沒有先發的空缺 嘗試了不少次帶球但是沒有成功 中場就被換掉了
A. Ramos 3
Was the most selfless of the Colombia attackers as he put in a terrific shift
in terms of working the channels. Just didn't manage to get on the scoresheet
despite a couple of decent chances.
哥倫比亞最無私的攻擊者 出色地運作著通道 幾次不錯的嘗試不過還是無法拿下分數
F. Mondragón 3
Was introduced late on to become the oldest player ever to grace the World
後段上場 成為了最年長的世界杯上陣球員
J. Rodríguez 4
Changed the match after coming on. Grabbed an assist with a wonderful through
pass and topped off a man-of-the-match performance with a sublime finish over
上場後改變了比賽 一個完美的穿越球拿到助攻 最後用一個漂亮的進球完成了MoM的表現
(譯按:寫over Ospina 所以是OG的意思? XD)
比較忙所以就挑著翻 有想看的可以說