[討論] GOAL.com 巴西 1(3)-(2)1 智利 賽後評分

作者: jim1029 (大宗)   2014-06-29 04:55:24
分數範圍 ★★★★★ 1~5
My Choice
Best Player ╔══╗ Brazil
Worst Player Fred & Jo Brazil
╔══╗ 5
(譯按:怎麼沒把最高分的列出來 幫補上)
地基主 護國神柱 十局下半再見觸擊
Júlio César 4
Produced a commanding display, making several important saves and he – along
with his left-hand post – was ultimately the hero in the shootout, saving
from Pinilla and Sanchez.
宰制性的演出 有很多重要的撲救 他左手邊的神柱和他是PK戰的英雄
Marcelo 2.5
Certainly not one of his better performances as he struggled to deal with the
rampaging Isla and offered little as an attacking threat.
表現不到他的水準 掙扎於應付狂暴的Isla 攻擊上沒提供什麼幫助
David Luiz 2.5
Found himself in the right place at the right time to help put Brazil into
the lead, even if he did not actually get the all-important touch. However,
he was often caught out of place, such as for Sanchez’s equaliser.
天時地利人和讓巴西取得領先 雖然球也不是他碰進的 不過他常常失位 就像Sanchez的
Thiago Silva 3
The Brazil captain did well when Chile played the ball into their attackers
along the ground, but he did find the movement of Vargas and Sanchez very
difficult to cope with and he did not do enough to stop the equaliser.
智利地面進攻時巴西隊長表現良好 但是Vargas和Sanchez的移動他也難以應付
Dani Alves 3
Defensively, the Barcelona man had little to contend with as Chile rarely
attacked down his side. Going forward he was a danger and forced Bravo into a
couple of good stops from distance.
智利不太攻他這一邊 上前攻擊是個威脅
Luiz Gustavo 2
Threw himself about a fair bit, but some of his tackles were careless and his
distribution was poor. Endured great difficult at times as Brazil failed to
get much of a grip on the midfield battle until Vidal’s departure
有些鏟球很粗心 分球不佳 Vidal離場前巴西在中場都難以拿到球
Fernandinho 2
Replaced the disappointing Paulinho in the middle, but he was not much
better. Committed several fouls and showed no trademark driving runs from
取代了令人失望的中場Paulinho 但是他也沒比較好 犯規不斷 也沒有展現出招牌跑動
Oscar 1.5
Very quiet on the whole, but he had a habit of appearing in dangerous
positions and picking up possession. He put in several teasing crosses and
Chile found his elusiveness difficult to counter, but he did precious little
after the first 45 minutes.
整場都沒什麼表現 但是他習慣出現在危險地帶要球 有些嘲弄的傳中 他的行動難以捉摸
Fred 1
The much-maligned forward has not enjoyed an impressive tournament and he was
poor yet again. Brazil often tried to make the most of Chile’s height
disadvantage, but Fred just was not there to capitalise.
一直被酸的前鋒沒有享受到比賽 他差勁的表現始終如一 巴西想要利用身高優勢打倒智利
Neymar 3.5
Another lively performance in general and he caused Silva continuous problems
in the first half, but he was surprisingly quiet after the break. Almost gave
Brazil the win when he put a second-half header straight into Bravo’s arms,
but his penalty ended up being the winner.
活靈活現的演出 上半場不停為Silva製造麻煩 但是中場後意外地沉寂 一個差點帶來勝利
的頭槌直朝Bravo而去 不過他最後的點球變成了勝利打點
Hulk 4
Easily his best performance of the tournament. The Zenit star was quiet
before half-time, but afterwards he was Brazil’s best attacker as Neymar
went a little quiet.
絕對是他賽事中最佳的演出 中場前沒什麼表現 但是Neymar冷下來之後就換浩克降臨了
Willian 2.5
Came on for the anonymous Oscar at the start of extra-time and looked lively
without creating an awful lot against a packed Chile defence.
替換掉匿名的Oscar 看起來活蹦亂跳不過對鐵桶沒太多影響
Ramires 2.5
Slotted into Fernandinho's place and his most notable contributions were a
few fouls. He did help to provide better counterattack cover, though
取代了Fernandinho的位置 他最著名的貢獻就是犯了幾規 不過對反擊有較好的防禦
Jô 1.5
Relieved the poor Fred, but the former Manchester City forward was not much
of an improvement. Had a few sights of goal, but Chile dealt with him easily.
換掉表現不佳的Fred 但是感覺不出來有換到人 有幾次射門機會但是都被經鬆解決
C. Bravo 4
The Barcelona man may not have been totally convincing from set-pieces, but
he was excellent otherwise, producing numerous crucial stops.
定位球可能不完美 但是除此之外都很出色 有無數的關鍵撲救
G. Jara 3
Although Luiz was officially credited with Brazil’s goal, the former
Nottingham Forest man was the one who actually found the net. He did little
wrong during the match, but it was his penalty which saw Chile lose.
雖然官方把進球給了Luiz 但是他才是幕後功臣 比賽中沒犯什麼錯 但是輸給了護國神柱
E. Mena 3
Somewhat lacking in the attacking department perhaps, but his energy was
crucial as he was up and down the left flank all day, and he produced a
crucial interception to deny Jo an easy goal.
可能有點缺乏攻擊力 但是他能整天在左路跑來跑去 重要的攔截讓Jo沒有魯尼的機會
M. Isla 3
Occasionally caught out at the back, but the Juventus wing-back was a
marauding presence on the right and he showed brilliant positivity to
continuously get into excellent positions.
有時候後場會被打點 但是他是右路的蒐獵者 也常常跑出好位置
C. Aránguiz 3.5
Another good display from the Internacional man. His bursting runs into the
area were a threat and he helped Chile control the midfield while Vidal was
alongside him.
又一次不錯的表現 他的黃金衝刺是一項武器 他跟Vidal控制著中場
G. Medel 3.5
Showed excellent composure on numerous occasions to stay on his feet when
others, including himself in the past, would have jumped into a tackle. A
calming presence at the back on the whole.
在無數場合展現出無比的鎮靜 換坐其他人或是以前的他早就鏟下去了 後場沉著的一員
A. Vidal 4
The Juve star was unstoppable at times. He was effective at sweeping up in
deep positions, while he caused significant problems in the attacking third.
It cannot be a coincidence that Chile’s threat diminished after his
有時無法阻止 後場清球很有效 前場攻擊也造成很大麻煩 他下場後智力的威脅就大降了
F. Silva 1.5
Very much the weak link at the back for Chile. Neymar terrorised him in the
first half and Hulk got quite a lot of joy out of him thereafter.
後防很弱的一環 上半場被Neymar玩弄 下半場被Hulk碾壓
M. Diaz 2.5
The link between Chile’s defence and midfield, he routinely appeared to
sweep up just in front of the back line and made numerous recoveries, while
also keeping his passing neat. Unspectacular, but a favourite of Sampaoli.
智利中後場間的連結 一直在後防線前清掉球 傳球也很俐落 不引人注意但很好用
E. Vargas 3
His movement was excellent and caused a lot of problems, while his quick
thinking and brilliant pass set Sanchez up for the equaliser. He did fade
after half-time, though, and was ultimately replaced.
走位很出色 造成很多麻煩 快思妙傳讓Sanchez追平比數 不過中場之後慢慢冷下來
A. Sánchez 4
Probably Chile’s best out-field player. Everything that was good from an
attacking sense went through the Barcelona star and Brazil had no answer to
his mazy runs from deep. Equalised with a good finish and was a constant
danger, but he will be disappointed by his poor penalty.
可能是智利最佳的外場球員 集所有攻擊要素於一身 迷幻的跑動讓巴西無法應付
漂亮攻門追平比分 一直是個威脅 但是他的12碼讓他失望了
J. Rojas 3
Entered the fray in extra-time as Medel could run no longer and he did a good
job at helping Chile hold out until penalties.
Medel不能跑之後換他上場 他也幫助智利拖到PK戰
F. Gutiérrez 2
Vidal's replacement, but he had nowhere near as much influence on
proceedings. Looked good on the ball, but his impact was not felt.
替補Vidal 但是不像他一樣有影響力 持球看起來不錯 但是感覺不到效果
M. Pinilla 3
Gave Brazil a physical presence in attack to worry about and he almost
secured a win in the dying embers of extra-time, crashing a shot against the
crossbar. However, he was one of those to miss in the shoot-out.
他的高度讓巴西需要擔心 加時賽想贏不幸招喚出地基主 PK戰也被擋下一球
作者: teeeeee (日夜不分)   2014-06-29 04:56:00
作者: QoiiwWe (G)   2014-06-29 04:57:00
作者: yushenlin (Science & Faith)   2014-06-29 04:57:00
作者: Monoprix ( )   2014-06-29 04:57:00
Fred 1 : Jo 1.5 XDDDDD
作者: shintz (Snow halation)   2014-06-29 04:59:00
作者: ponwho (教練我想打球)   2014-06-29 04:59:00
我支持智利 但是平心而論浩克真的踢不錯 不知道在酸幾點的
作者: bubu1102 (bubu)   2014-06-29 04:59:00
作者: CycleEnergy   2014-06-29 05:00:00
提神柱 你會被怒灌區那個嗆一日球迷XD
作者: kevinjodan (Kevin)   2014-06-29 05:00:00
實況文一堆人酸Hulk敗球 我無言
作者: Waitaha (Waitaha)   2014-06-29 05:01:00
作者: renee4 (芮妮賜)   2014-06-29 05:01:00
作者: ponwho (教練我想打球)   2014-06-29 05:01:00
JO是真的踢蠻爛的 XDDD
作者: rusa (rusa)   2014-06-29 05:20:00
作者: thedeathhero (不眠者)   2014-06-29 05:22:00
作者: emma0420 (Led Zeppelin!!!)   2014-06-29 05:28:00
作者: yuanpu (yuanpu)   2014-06-29 05:30:00
前腰Oscar 1.5,兩後腰2 這才是巴西的弱點吧 當然還有2前鋒這兩前鋒真是爛的可以
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2014-06-29 05:36:00
給1分實在是太客氣了 給0.5差不多了...
作者: amida959   2014-06-29 05:36:00
Pepe紅牌都還有1.5 看看奧斯卡 不敢嫌我阿中場了...
作者: mkw (yes)   2014-06-29 05:40:00
作者: smurfifi (smurfifi)   2014-06-29 05:44:00
作者: sediments (禽獸)   2014-06-29 05:45:00
作者: price20 (lolololololoL)   2014-06-29 05:52:00
mkw:浩克各種亂射居然還有4分 XDDDDDDD
作者: suzukihiro (慢慢的等待)   2014-06-29 05:53:00
作者: dreamwing11 (嗚咕)   2014-06-29 05:55:00
作者: rusa (rusa)   2014-06-29 05:56:00
作者: answertw (Cy yang)   2014-06-29 06:01:00
我早就說巴西前鋒只有內馬穩定 就有人在那護航影帝還不成氣候 有潛力但穩定度欠佳
作者: pttlyt (讓血液重新滾動)   2014-06-29 06:02:00
作者: safin1023 (safin1023)   2014-06-29 06:08:00
作者: ctes940008 (蛤!我只是小兵!?)   2014-06-29 06:08:00
作者: phx0305 (Suns)   2014-06-29 06:09:00
巴西鋒線不強不是人人都知道的事嗎? 只是沒想到弱成這樣..
作者: safin1023 (safin1023)   2014-06-29 06:11:00
作者: ctes940008 (蛤!我只是小兵!?)   2014-06-29 06:12:00
作者: safin1023 (safin1023)   2014-06-29 06:13:00
[馬]的勒還停下來晃點一下 智利守門員
作者: brucecloud (野彘)   2014-06-29 09:23:00
作者: KevinLiou   2014-06-29 09:37:00
1分 老師說沒有打零分只是因為考選部要寫報告阿 XD
作者: herolgg (句點王)   2014-06-29 10:06:00
作者: ying1086   2014-06-29 10:34:00
再見觸擊 強迫取分嗎XD
作者: Doralice   2014-06-29 15:21:00
jo還贏fred XDDDD
作者: KiSeigi (Kuroda.K.Masamura)   2014-06-29 22:54:00
MENA讓JO沒有魯尼的機會->根本就預設JO會魯尼 XDD

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