練習英聽囉 XD
The FIFA disciplinary committee has reached a decision in the case related to
Luis Suarez of Uruguay following an incident that occurred during the FIFA
world cup match between Italy and Uruguay played on 24 June 2014.
The FIFA disciplinary committee has decided that:
The player Luis Suarez is regarded as having breached art. 48 par. 1 lit.d of
the FIFA disciplinary code and art. 57 of the FIFA disciplinary code which is
an act of unsporting behaviour towards another player.
The player Luis Suarez is to be suspended for nine official matches. The first
match of this suspension is to be served in the upcoming FIFA world cup fixture
between Colombia and Uruguay on 28 June 2014. The remaining match suspension
shall be served in Uruguay's next FIFA world cup match, as long as the team
qualifies, and/or in the representative team's subsequent official matches in
accordance with art. 38 par 2a of the FIFA disciplinary code.
The player Luis Suarez is banned from taking part in any kind of football
related activity (administrative, sports or any other) for a period of four
months in accordance with art. 22 of the FIFA disciplinary code.
A stadium ban is pronounced against the player Luis Suarez in accordance with
art.21 of the FIFA disciplinary code as follows: the player Luis Suarez is
prohibited from entering the confines of any stadium during the period of the
ban. The player Luis Suarez is prohibited from entering the confines of any
stadium in which the representative team of Uruguay is playing while he has to
serve the nine match suspension.
The player Luis Suarez is ordered to pay a fine in the amount of 100000 swiss
francs. The decision was notified to the player and the Uruguay FA today.
Such behavior cannot be tolerated on any football pitch, and in particular not
at a FIFA world cup when the eyes of millions of people are on the stars on
the field. The disciplinary commitee took into account all the factors of the
case and the degree of Mr. Suarez's guilt in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the code. The decision comes into force as soon as it is
以上....拼字錯誤請見諒 XD
※ 引述《ilqgray (徵求ladygaga的票兩張 3Q)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/oa83stc
: 很抱歉
: 有沒有英文神人願意分享逐字內容...?
: 謝謝XD
: ※ 引述《iloveangel (我要天使帝國四)》之銘言:
: : http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aspt/201406280005-1.aspx
: : (中央社里約熱內盧27日綜合外電報導)國際足球總會(FIFA)秘書長瓦克(Jerome
: : Valcke)今天表示,烏拉圭隊當家前鋒蘇亞雷斯(Luis Suarez)應尋求專業協助,以停
: : 止一再出口咬球賽對手的惡習。
: : 詢以蘇亞雷斯因咬人而遭全球禁賽4個月,他有何看法,瓦克告訴記者,「我認為他應該
: : 找出方法,停止咬人。他應該透過治療,來對治,愛咬人絕對是不對的事情。」
: : 蘇亞雷斯24日在D組烏拉圭對戰義大利一役,於卡位爭搶球時怒而狠咬義隊後衛奇里尼
: : (Giorgio Chiellini)的左肩成傷,國際足總26日裁決,蘇亞雷斯禁賽9場,並不得參
: : 與任何足球活動4個月,外加裁罰11萬多美元的罰款,將他踢出世足比賽。
: : 這是蘇亞雷斯職涯第3度因場上咬人,遭裁罰禁賽。
: : 瓦克並反駁奇里尼今天對蘇亞雷斯遭嚴懲的緩頰,奇里尼說,蘇亞雷斯遭到的懲處太嚴苛
: : 了。國際足總對蘇亞雷斯所祭的懲處,堪稱歷來世界盃對球員最嚴厲的懲罰。
: : 瓦克說:「總是有人會說太嚴厲,奇里尼不是唯一這麼說的人。」
: : 記者指出,奇里尼是受害人,瓦克回說:「那又怎樣?紀律委員會是根據他們所見,做出
: : 決定。」
: : 「我要指出,這不單是起事件而已,它在數億人眾目睽睽下發生。這不是你想要你的孩子
: : 在世界盃這種等級,或任何等級的足球賽中,不管業餘或職業,看到的事情。」1030628
: : (中央社 103-06-28)