zsyian (zsyian)
2015-07-23 08:02:20Gamespot 新聞
PS4仍是北美六月銷售第一,但在E3當週 Xbox One 是超越 PS4
Xbox One 在美國市場今年六月銷售較去年六月銷售成長51%,而在E3當週則上升79%。
Phil Spencer 認為向下相容功能是主因,因為很多Xbox 360玩家決定選擇Xbox One平台
"June was a good month and I think backwards compatibility matters," he said.
"Lots of Xbox 360 owners deciding when to make the jump; [Xbox One backwards
compatibility is a] big focus for us."
微軟CFO認為,Xbox One的動能是來自於向下相容以及今年假期的遊戲陣容
"This progress, as well as the excitement we generated at E3