jj95042 (NicolasKaiChi)
2018-06-16 13:45:28http://www.githyp.com/microsofts-xbox-e3-2018-media-briefing-was-the-highest-watched-live-stream-ever-on-twitch/
June 15, 2018 by Paul Curtin @HypMan
With no new consoles announced this year, E3 2018 was all about the games.
And more gamers than any other year tuned in to Twitch for all the latest
breaking news and big announcements from the gaming industry.
Now, for the second year in a row, Microsoft’s live stream was the highest
viewed stream on Twitch.
微軟的發表會連續兩年成為 Twitch 觀看次數最高的直播。
But Microsoft’s Xbox E3 Briefing wasn’t just the most watched live event of
this year’s convention… it was also the highest concurrent viewer count of
any stream ever on Twitch, pulling in an impressive 1.7 million viewers at
its peak.
今年微軟 E3 發表會還是 Twitch 史上同時觀看人數最高的直播,最高達到 170 萬人。
Microsoft / Xbox — 170 萬人(去年 110 萬人)
Ubisoft — 160 萬人(去年 98.6 萬人)
Sony / PlayStation — 150萬人(去年 92.6 萬人)
Bethesda — 96.4 萬人(去年 23.3 萬人)
PC Gaming Show — 89.3 萬人(去年 55.2 萬人)
Nintendo / Switch — 67.9 萬人(去年 29.2 萬人)
EA (Electronic Arts) — 52.8 萬人(去年 67.6 萬人)
Compared to last year’s E3, Microsoft’s briefing saw an impressive increase
of 600k concurrent viewers on Twitch – which doubled the 818k viewers they
had back in 2016.
微軟的同時觀看人數和去年相比增加了 60 萬人;是前年的 81.8 萬人的兩倍。
Microsoft also took an interesting approach to E3 this year by heavily
promoting their own streaming platform, Mixer, over Twitch. Their briefing
made sure to never mention the word “Twitch” and they even replaced their
usual Xbox setup on the show floor with a Mixer booth. A move which is sure
to impact Twitch viewership in the years to come.
微軟今年強力推廣自家直播平台 Mixer,發表會上對 Twitch 隻字未提。發表會場的
配置用的也是 Mixer 的直播間。這肯定會影響來年的 Twitch 觀眾人數。
This year’s runner-up, was again Ubisoft. Despite growing backlash against
their games that haven’t been able to live up to their E3 trailers, Ubisoft
surprisingly was the second highest viewed briefing of E3 2018 — and even
managed to top Fortnite’s record-breaking Pro-Am with 1.6 million viewers.
收視第二名是 Ubisoft,儘管外界批評他們遊戲成品和 E3 預告不相符的聲浪越來越大。
Ubi 甚至以160萬人數超越 Fortnite Pro-Am 的紀錄。
Sony, Nintendo, Bethesda, and the PC Gaming Show also all saw more concurrent
viewers than last year on Twitch. There wasn’t much change in the line-up
besides TPCGS making the clever move of re-positioning itself right between
Ubisoft and Sony to keep viewers’ interest during the middle of the day.
索尼、任天堂、Bethesda、PC Gaming Show 同時觀看人數也有所提升。
Electronic Arts was the only big briefing to see a drop-off in viewers —
losing 148k viewers (-22%) when compared to 2017. EA’s decline in
viewership is especially concerning for the publisher, whose EA Play
broadcast was the highest viewed briefing on Twitch just two years ago with
910k concurrent viewers.
EA 是唯一收視率下滑的大型發表會,較去年人數減少 14.8 萬(22%)。EA 在前年的
同時觀看人數還是當年最高的 91 萬人。
hades360 (hades360)
2018-06-16 14:01:00可能有一半是來看微軟倒了沒
要倒了 才170萬也是很奇怪 世界的風向應該是sony第一 但M$居然是常勝軍XD
faang (昉)
2018-06-16 14:29:00當時版上也有人刻意4點起床來看微軟笑話呀 這就是真愛吧
leeg (侑仔)
2018-06-16 14:36:00Mixer真的蠻無言的,介面用起來很不適應,頻道語言沒中文但是有廣東話…win10用edge常常開不起來,chrome就沒這問題,感覺就跟win市集一樣,有點虎頭蛇尾
z2114422 (Hunting)
2018-06-16 14:54:00Sony發表會為了配合日本時間 都是在歐洲凌晨所以人數比不上微軟是常態
作者: yeh21603 2018-06-16 15:04:00
CW4 (i like webber)
2018-06-16 15:40:00都是想見證微軟宣布倒閉那一刻啦
S890127 (丁讀生)
2018-06-16 17:35:00可以借轉C洽嗎
jj95042 (NicolasKaiChi)
2018-06-16 17:53:00可以
SHR4587 (SHR4587)
2018-06-16 18:41:00微軟跟Ubi這次都很厲害,內容精不精彩不說但真的很好看,Ubi去年也是很精彩。
hilemon (檸檬哈哈哈!!)
2018-06-16 18:52:00mixer就方便在用XBOX接電視看 電腦用twitch還是比較方便
NLchu (Network Layer)
2018-06-16 19:00:00UBI就是以量取勝出,遊戲就像免洗筷一樣
Sony日本時間早上8點 怎麼樣都比凌晨3點容易收看吧
作者: m5575 2018-06-16 22:20:00
SHR4587 (SHR4587)
2018-06-16 23:47:00也不能這樣講,刺客起源本來就是很高品質的作品了,拿來打很多作品都不用活了,UBI近年的遊戲品質都有上來而且還很穩,問題是連線還是一樣哭,唯一連線做得起來的只有R6。而且Ubi E3發表會強也不是強在以量取勝,而是那個排場,開頭直接Just Dance跳舞超精彩,中間機車開進來跌倒撞爛螢幕講台,結尾壓AC奧德賽。就算對那些遊戲沒興趣看了還是很有印象,相較於SONY開場整個讓人看到睡著,即便展了一堆獨佔餅。微軟今年厲害就是在那個遊戲發表數量,一款接著一款,即便一堆不是獨佔,但至少不會有一堆談話拖時間,說個幾句後就是一連串的遊戲預告,整個節奏抓得很緊湊,獨佔?Gear5出來,夠精彩了。
jj95042 (NicolasKaiChi)
2018-06-16 23:59:00連續推文勿超過8行,警告一次