nicetree (nicetree)
2019-05-02 14:36:56如題,早上朋友捎來訊息
Xbox live現在出問題,可以直接跨區買遊戲,有遊戲想買的趕快去,主機直接地區改
Probably by mistake Microsoft has unlocked cross-region purchases in every
country using your credit card (like Revolut) without the need to use a VPN!
Also other cards will work. You should also NOT use a VPN, because this will
lead into the same errors all of you know. You just have to purchase the game
in your browser and it should work. Directly on the Xbox is reported not
working, the Smartphone app might not work, too. However, if you're not lucky
from your browser, give the app a try.
Hurry and get everything you're still missing. I bet this won't last for a
long time. Get all the new pre-order games as long as it's possible. Usually
pre-orders go through even if the method would not work for a long time. That's
how it was before.
If you're one of the lucky ones, report in the comments. Just interesting to
read when it was working and when not.
Btw: You are also able to purchase gift cards directly from Microsoft - in case
you'd like to stock up your balance and use it later!