Gears 5 ( 戰爭機器5 ) 開發團隊 The Coalition
日前於Twitter上表示會送出 5天boost + 600 scrap
As a token of our appreciation for your patience and support
during this weekend's Early Access, we're awarding 5 days of
Boost (Faster progression) and 600 scrap (Craft Skills or
Supply cards). Look out for it in the next 48 hours.
Thank you so much playing Gears 5!
9:08 AM · Sep 10, 2019
We have begun to roll out the 5 Days of Boost and 600 Scrap!
Please allow up to 2 hours for your Scrap and Boost to appear.
You may need to relaunch title to see your gift.
8:43 AM · Sep 11, 2019