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作者: robo3456 (冽影) 看板: C_Chat
標題: [閒聊] 遊戲王MD 未來可能加入的預組
時間: Mon May 9 09:14:35 2022
"Dragonmaid" monsters can change their forms throughout battle, and their
effects activate at the beginning and end of the Battle Phase. Master their
effects to bring out a horde of powerful, high-Level Dragon-Type monsters to
your field and devastate your opponents!
Burning Spirits
"Salamangreat" monsters come in a wide variety, and they can be Special
Summoned once their respective conditions have been fulfilled. First, try
Summoning their ace monster, "Salamangreat Heatleo". If you use it as a
material to play the second "Salamangreat Heatleo", you will be able to
Freezing World
One highlight of the "Ice Barrier" archetype is its formidable Synchro
Monsters. Many of its other monsters also have effects that can lock your
opponent out of their tactics. With that in your arsenal, you'll be able to
bring out powerful Synchro Monsters one after the other!unlock even more of its powers!