SDSS-AE001 (UR)Salamangreat of Fire(火之轉生炎獸)
SDSS-AE002 Salamangreat Raccoon(轉生炎獸 浣熊)
SDSS-AE003 Salamangreat Mole(轉生炎獸 鼴鼠)
SDSS-AE004 Salamangreat Meer(轉生炎獸 狐獴)
SDSS-AE005 (SR)Salamangreat Foxy(轉生炎獸 狐狸)
SDSS-AE006 (SR)Salamangreat Gazelle(轉生炎獸 瞪羚)
SDSS-AE007 (SR)Salamangreat Spinny(轉生炎獸 犰狳蜥)
SDSS-AE008 Salamangreat Fennec(轉生炎獸 耳廓狐)
SDSS-AE009 Salamangreat Coyote(轉生炎獸 郊狼)
SDSS-AE010 Salamangreat Weasel(轉生炎獸 黃鼠狼)
SDSS-AE011 Salamangreat Falco(轉生炎獸 獵鷹)
SDSS-AE012 (NPR)Salamangreat Jack Jaguar(轉生炎獸 J美洲豹)
SDSS-AE013 Salamangreat Wolvie(轉生炎獸 狼獾)
SDSS-AE014 Salamangreat Fowl(轉生炎獸 野禽)
SDSS-AE015 Salamangreat Parro(轉生炎獸 鸚鵡)
SDSS-AE016 Salamangreat Tiger(轉生炎獸 跳虎)
SDSS-AE017 Salamangreat Beat Bison(轉生炎獸 B野牛)
SDSS-AE018 Barrier Statue of the Inferno(業火的結界像)
SDSS-AE019 Formud Skipper(格式化彈塗魚)
SDSS-AE020 Flame Bufferlo(影格緩衝牛)
SDSS-AE021 Lady Debug(瓢蟲除錯者)
SDSS-AE022 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring(灰流晴)
SDSS-AE023 (UR)Salamangreat Sanctuary(轉生炎獸的聖域)
SDSS-AE024 Will of the Salamangreat(轉生炎獸的意志)
SDSS-AE025 Fusion of Fire(火之融合)
SDSS-AE026 (SR)Salamangreat Circle(轉生炎獸的炎陣)
SDSS-AE027 Salamangreat Claw(轉生炎獸的烈爪)
SDSS-AE028 Salamangreat Recureance(轉生炎獸的再起)
SDSS-AE029 Rising Fire(上升之火)
SDSS-AE030 Fury of Fire(火之狂怒)
SDSS-AE031 Salamangreat Burning Shell(轉生炎獸的炎虞)
SDSS-AE032 Salamangreat Transcendence(轉生炎獸超轉生)
SDSS-AE033 Burning Draw(逆捲的炎之寶牌)
SDSS-AE034 Salamangreat Charge(転生炎獣的炎軍)
SDSS-AE035 Crossout Designator(抹殺的指名者)
SDSS-AE036 Cynet Mining(電腦網挖礦)
SDSS-AE037 Salamangreat Gift(轉生炎獸的贈禮)
SDSS-AE038 Salamangreat Rage(轉生炎獸的憤怒)
SDSS-AE039 (SR)Salamangreat Roar(轉生炎獸的咆哮)
SDSS-AE040 Salamangreat Revive(轉生炎獸復甦)
SDSS-AE041 (NPR)Salamangreat Violet Chimera(轉生炎獸 紫羅蘭奇美拉)
SDSS-AE042 (NPR)Salamangreat Burst Gryphon(轉生炎獸 爆發獅鷲)
SDSS-AE043 (SR)Salamangreat Miragestallio(轉生炎獸 幻象牡馬)
SDSS-AE044 (NPR)Salamangreat Heatleo(轉生炎獸 灼熱獅子)
SDSS-AE045 (NPR)Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf(轉生炎獸 陽光狼)
SDSS-AE046 (SR)Salamangreat Balelynx(轉生炎獸 烽火猞猁)
SDSS-AE047 (UR)Salamangreat Pyro Phoenix(轉生炎獸 火鳳凰)
SDSS-AE048 (UR)Salamangreat Raging Phoenix(轉生炎獸 狂怒鳳凰)
SDSS-AEP01 (SER)Salamangreat Pyro Phoenix(轉生炎獸 火鳳凰)
SDSS-AEP02 (SER)Salamangreat Raging Phoenix(轉生炎獸 狂怒鳳凰)
SDSS-AEP03 (UR)Salamangreat Violet Chimera(轉生炎獸 紫羅蘭奇美拉)
SDSS-AEP04 (UR)Salamangreat Burst Gryphon(轉生炎獸 爆發獅鷲)
SDSS-AEP05 (UR)Salamangreat Heatleo(轉生炎獸 灼熱獅子)
SDSS-AEP06 (UR)Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf(轉生炎獸 陽光狼)
SDSS-AEP07 (SR)Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju(怒炎壞獸 多哥蘭)
SDSS-AEP08 (SR)Salamangreat Almiraj(轉生炎獸 獨角兔)
SDSS-AEP09 (SR)Knightmare Phoenix(夢幻界 鳳凰)
SDSS-AEP10 (SR)Kaiser Colosseum(凱薩競技場)
SDSS-AEP11 (SR)Triple Tactics Thrust(三戰之號)
SDSS-AEP12 (SR)Red Reboot(紅色重啟)