magicvivi ( magicvivi)
2016-12-19 21:02:0112/19 火星進雙魚座 把大計畫拆成小步驟,游擊戰上場~
去年在洛杉磯Santa Monica參加當地占星人組織的讀書會,不定期會收到對於近期星象的資料.以下是James寫的內容.今天是火星進雙魚,我把這部分翻譯出來,希望大家看看,在國外它們是如何"描寫星象".順便學學英文也很實用~
12/19/16 – 1:23 am – Mars enters Pisces 火星進入雙魚座
The Mars void-of-course is over. 火星的空王結束
You may feel an energy shift as Mars moves from the focused mental quality of Aquarius into the free flowing waters of emotional Pisces. 你會感覺到有股能量,當火星從固定心智的水瓶座位移到水般自由流動的情緒化雙魚座,
While Mars is generally better able to get or keep things moving when in one of the mutable signs such as Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius; it may be more difficult to maintain focus on any one thing. 一般來說,火星在變動星座會比較能夠展現讓事情前進的狀態,像是雙魚雙子處女或射手座.但可能會感覺到專注在某件事情上,會比較困難
Try making a list to assist in prioritizing your tasks to better focus your energies. 試者整理清單,列出優先順序,幫助自己專注.
Break the “big” tasks down into “small” steps that can be quickly completed. It’s easier to maintain focus for one step than it is for a long race. 或是把"大計畫"分別拆成可以快速完成的"小步驟".比起長遠的計畫,專注單一步驟比較容易.
Mars isn’t always that good at seeing the “end game.”火星不是一直擅長撐到"遊戲結束"
This is also the first of six astronomical events today so it could be a bit of an emotional roller coaster.