[討論] TWD裡 學到哪個最印象深刻的英文

作者: muskoxenyes (瑋伯)   2017-03-31 17:59:19
陰屍路裡面 可學到好多口語英文
本魯印象最深刻的就是 有一次達達還是頭媽 說"...情況變糟"(...go south)
那大家學到印像最深刻的英文 是哪一句呢?
作者: scott6065 (Touchdown)   2017-03-31 18:31:00
show rick up up up
作者: nmnscha (Fantastic4.5)   2017-03-31 18:43:00
walker....結果用不到我們都說zombie lol
作者: mythingwade (wade)   2017-03-31 18:47:00
第一集 廁所=john
作者: fanmei (凡妹)   2017-03-31 19:01:00
被食人族關在車廂那一集,They're screwing with the wrong people!
作者: loveriver777 (夢幻白老虎)   2017-03-31 19:11:00
作者: zxc246812 (湯姆上校)   2017-03-31 19:14:00
Carl !
作者: Yifong (Yifong®)   2017-03-31 19:24:00
Hey you dumbass in the tank. Cozy in there? T___T
作者: Manaku (manakU)   2017-03-31 19:25:00
dur dur dur dee dur
作者: dogdogbus (廢材叔)   2017-03-31 19:43:00
作者: scpsmarkfran (馬克馥藍恩)   2017-03-31 19:51:00
stay alert , we don't go back
作者: caute (飛過那片茫茫人海)   2017-03-31 20:15:00
跟州長說話 we can talk
作者: levilin (levilin)   2017-03-31 20:26:00
previous amc the walking dead(誤 XD)
作者: alexroc (吉娃娃大師)   2017-03-31 20:36:00
you are lost
作者: kei2363013 (kei)   2017-03-31 20:40:00
Eenie meenie miney mo...
作者: dederek (dede)   2017-03-31 20:42:00
作者: lily0222 (Lily)   2017-03-31 20:42:00
previous amc the walking dead +1 XDDDDD
作者: dans (Go for the eye)   2017-03-31 20:42:00
tighit tight tight
作者: chnet3214 (嘟嘴[秋內])   2017-03-31 20:44:00
Easy Street Easy Street Easy Street
作者: baby971536 (BestTwitchTW)   2017-03-31 20:58:00
it's a no-no
作者: maxjacky (Jacky彥)   2017-03-31 20:59:00
I'm Negan
作者: fishyes91 (尹天仇)   2017-03-31 21:06:00
Get on your knees
作者: egg100152002 (培根蛋大)   2017-03-31 21:10:00
作者: leutk (下雨天)   2017-03-31 21:24:00
作者: KONAMI (konami)   2017-03-31 21:25:00
Shit Happens
作者: chnecklace (嘿嘿)   2017-03-31 21:32:00
we can talk XDDD
作者: NoWorries (No Worries)   2017-03-31 22:37:00
Cozy in there?
作者: shizukuasn (SCP-999超萌)   2017-03-31 22:47:00
previous amc the walking dead XDDDDDDDD
作者: LucasDuda (徐府千歲)   2017-03-31 22:53:00
室友每天都在 all life is precious XD
作者: sylviehsiang (Shawn)   2017-03-31 23:24:00
Could you watch Carl for me?
作者: titanm303 (Lanfer)   2017-03-31 23:42:00
Just in case 以防萬一 XD
作者: wennie214 (維尼)   2017-04-01 00:04:00
we can talk好有既視感
作者: waterleo (南方澳少年)   2017-04-01 00:46:00
作者: howard2451 (howard)   2017-04-01 00:48:00
Just look at the flowers 頭媽請你去看花
作者: nnn1106   2017-04-01 00:52:00
Yo man
作者: Badestass (xxbestsinceday1xx)   2017-04-01 01:20:00
show rick up up up XD
作者: usasidf (usasidf)   2017-04-01 01:30:00
you smarty pants
作者: qrstroom (qrstroom)   2017-04-01 01:52:00
作者: Jonathan0821 (我怎麼知道阿)   2017-04-01 01:55:00
Look at that!!taking it like a champ
作者: Zolah (走啦)   2017-04-01 01:57:00
Without fat Joey, skinny Joey is just Joey
作者: ericerix (Ponwar)   2017-04-01 02:43:00
Shane:1.son of the bitch 2. No no no no no no no,No!!
作者: tomlee1130 (毛毛)   2017-04-01 02:47:00
作者: a27588679 (飛雲)   2017-04-01 04:30:00
作者: iuiuisme (iuiu)   2017-04-01 04:36:00
Carrrrlllllllllll +1
作者: bg784533 (bg784533)   2017-04-01 04:45:00
Shit happen
作者: XS623 (吴輂)   2017-04-01 05:16:00
Carl papa !
作者: ztwo79 (銘)   2017-04-01 08:18:00
go sour
作者: VortexSheet (哦?)   2017-04-01 08:26:00
labibida bibidum
作者: open (open)   2017-04-01 08:46:00
Suck my nuts
作者: g39459   2017-04-01 10:41:00
We have no choice
作者: ala99 (莫到瓊樓最上層)   2017-04-01 11:35:00
eat drink and be merry ,for tomorrow we die
作者: mokaku (Mokaku)   2017-04-01 12:04:00
作者: chnet3214 (嘟嘴[秋內])   2017-04-01 12:46:00
I'm Negan
作者: ronny1020 (ronny)   2017-04-01 15:38:00
前幾季everything is gonna be ok,結果都很不OK
作者: ty5ed   2017-04-01 16:17:00
作者: nc2106 (歐呵呵)   2017-04-01 16:23:00
Previously on AMC's the Walking Dead XD
作者: kimania (K亞司)   2017-04-01 16:47:00
Little pig little pig~ Let me in ~~~
作者: HansonShen (LockSmithShen)   2017-04-02 00:00:00
苦 !
作者: Grammy (自我主張Monster)   2017-04-02 00:33:00
這部這麼多季了 經典臺詞居然一句都沒有 誇張
作者: ebi (Prince Siegfried)   2017-04-02 00:50:00
Shit happens!
作者: mayuka   2017-04-02 01:06:00
作者: brian96tw (brian96tw)   2017-04-02 04:30:00
sneaking up on me wearing those collar with a freaky ass smile
作者: creepyweirdo (瓜)   2017-04-02 13:17:00
I'll find you.
作者: desamber (DSB)   2017-04-02 13:42:00
Previously on AMC's the Walking Dead
作者: jiangjiang33 (yo man)   2017-04-02 18:50:00
Grammy說中了...這部真的蠻慘的,沒啥經典台詞剩搞笑的show Rick up up up/ look at the flowers
作者: es05440011 (天是地)   2017-04-02 20:32:00
look at the flowers很經典吧..而且這一段是很沉重的就是夠經典後來才被惡搞..也才會有搞笑逗趣的錯覺~
作者: ngxwloz (白)   2017-04-02 20:51:00
It's my call.
作者: aax (辣妞熊謎 )   2017-04-02 21:31:00
Have you seen carl? XD
作者: Delisaac (Time waits for no one.)   2017-04-02 22:03:00
Show Rick up up up Rick: show me what what what?
作者: xisx (坨<딱9힄l麠鳭eポ鐼)   2017-04-02 22:16:00
you know nothing, Jon Snow. 咦!
作者: g418 (我有問題)   2017-04-02 22:37:00
作者: Epondo (Epondo)   2017-04-02 23:07:00
作者: yuinena (yuna)   2017-04-03 09:11:00
No demacrocy. XDDD
作者: xoxo625 (彼得潘)   2017-04-03 13:08:00
作者: gaiaesque (請不要叫偶解釋偶der暱稱)   2017-04-03 15:18:00
hey you in the tank, cozy in there?
作者: hxh0810 (brave)   2017-04-03 16:14:00
作者: spartaucs896 (夢醒十分)   2017-04-03 20:08:00
we can talk
作者: celtic29 (Literary Soul)   2017-04-03 20:20:00
作者: sylviehsiang (Shawn)   2017-04-03 21:04:00
作者: chochu99 (ASSESSMENT)   2017-04-03 21:47:00
chop chop
作者: cra2y37037 (30奈米)   2017-04-03 22:12:00
No one has to die....
作者: royku (小古)   2017-04-03 23:26:00
We take, we don't bother
作者: Slashing (李姓選民)   2017-04-04 00:34:00
chop chop+1
作者: mochante (緹)   2017-04-04 01:26:00
Negan: That's a no-no.
作者: chu630 (洨豬豬)   2017-04-04 02:06:00
Pee Pee Pants City
作者: semicoma (後勤人力足 前進災區吧)   2017-04-04 10:29:00
SAY MY NAME!!!!!(咦?!)
作者: rhappyd (rapraerae)   2017-04-04 13:59:00
作者: xoxolas (14)   2017-04-04 18:40:00
we can talk無誤
作者: yugin900524 (PP)   2017-04-04 21:19:00
easy peasy lemon squeezy
作者: drgraffiti (好久沒來了)   2017-04-04 23:09:00
cozy in there dumb ass~~
作者: kenny1221 (...)   2017-04-04 23:39:00
screw you 跟尼根學超多髒話的
作者: loshin (loshin)   2017-04-05 00:50:00
chop chop
作者: tee23 (tee)   2017-04-05 12:58:00
We can talk XDDDD
作者: sunarmed (彰引)   2017-04-05 15:38:00
shit happens
作者: khgs (學會說再見)   2017-04-06 12:36:00
Its my call
作者: ling800 (I'll take it all.)   2017-04-07 04:01:00
Who's Deana?
作者: vinousred (Count of Tuscany)   2017-04-07 15:08:00
第一季第一集 GLENN: COZY IN THERE? 太經典 戲劇張力
作者: tonyadsl123 (ton)   2017-04-08 03:14:00
作者: zt3333 (zt3333)   2017-04-23 00:35:00
previous amc the walking dead+1
作者: eddardkuo (YouKnowNothing)   2017-04-25 22:46:00
You being back with me now, that's everything.You are my brother.
作者: daniel0922 (鍵盤飛行員)   2017-05-01 02:40:00
chop chop
作者: look13 (路克十三)   2017-05-12 14:18:00
You are god damn right!
作者: woodoo (hometeaher)   2017-05-16 01:39:00
I will find you. I will kill you. You are already dead.

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