原文作者 Hilarie Burton is speaking out about being groped by Ben Affleck during his appearance on TRL over a decade ago. 女演員希拉蕊伯頓在幾個小時前,坦承她在十幾年前主持綜藝節目「完全點播現場」 (Total Request Live,以下簡稱TRL)時,曾經被班艾佛列克襲胸過。 The 35-year-old former MTV VJ spoke out after Ben made a statement condemning Harvey Weinstein‘s alleged actions in his sexual assault and harassment scandal. 這位現年35歲且曾在MTV擔任過主持人的女星,在小班哥對近期資深製片哈維溫斯坦 身陷性侵與騷擾事件發表心得後,又在網路上爆出了引起全美各大媒體爭相報導的 發言。 When one fan tweeted that Ben should have “kept quiet,” another fan wrote, “He also grabbed Hilarie Burton‘s breasts on TRL once. Everyone forgot though.” The incident was reportedly during the actor’s appearance on the show in 2003. 當一名網路鄉民透過推特提醒小班哥應該在最近「保持低調」後,另一位鄉民隨即 PO文補充「他(小班)曾經在TRL摸過希拉蕊伯頓的胸部,只不過其他人都忘記這件 事了。」順道一提–這場節目錄影襲胸事件發生在2003年 Hilarie wrote back, “I didn’t forget.” The fan replied, “I’m so sorry that happened to you.” 伯頓在兩個小時之後回推「我沒忘」,那位影迷接著回應「我很遺憾那種事情會發生 在你身上」 “Seriously, thank you for that. I was a kid,” Hilarie responded. She also tweeted a clip from TRL in which she talked about being groped by Ben. She tweeted, “Girls. I’m so impressed with you brave ones. I had to laugh back then so I wouldn’t cry. Sending love.” 伯頓又對影迷回推「認真說來,我還是感謝你(補充這件事),那時我還只是小孩」 柏頓接著又在推特PO出內含她被小班抓住胸部的TRL精華片段,並補充「女孩們, 我不會忘記你們勇敢的行為,我在那個時候還必須以笑來回應以防我哭出來– 但我還是要獻上愛」 Reps for Ben did not immediately return requests for comment. 小班的公關代表在新聞截稿前,尚未做出立即的回應