※ 引述《panzerleader (卡廷1940)》之銘言:
: 標題: [請問] 有人能幫我把這段文字翻譯成英文嗎?
: 時間: Thu Sep 11 21:25:59 2014
: 請問有人可以把這段中文
: 翻譯成英文嗎?
: 謝謝!
: 中國古代軍閥 詩人 政治家 他於中國漢王朝崩潰時崛起 成功掌握中央政府後統一華北
: 之後試圖南下統一中國 卻於赤壁之戰失利 他的兒子曹丕成為魏王朝的締造者 並追尊
: 他的父親為武帝 曹操除了是優秀的政治家與軍事家外 也是優秀的文學家
: 他與他的兩個兒子的文學作品被評為中國文學的經典作品 他與劉備 諸葛亮 關羽等人的
: 英雄事蹟成為經典小說三國演義的題材
史料跟我手邊的資料有些出入, 但是我照你的翻.
As a renounded chinese warlord, poet and politician. 曹操 rose amidst
the crumbling Han dynasty, seizing control of the ramanent government and
unified the northern regions of China. As his conquest progressed south,
his forces came to a devestating halt at the Battle of the Red Cliffs.
His son 曹丕, the founder of Wei, titled his father King of Wei.
曹操 was a brilliant politician, tactician also a great literary scholar.
The family's work of literature had been famed classics among
Chinese literature. Tales of the heroic deeds and turmoil across this era
had been story blueprints of the classic novels of
the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.