※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板 #1QeXbKiz ]
作者: min510 (min510) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: [文法] How do I live 歌詞文法問題?
時間: Fri Mar 9 13:19:13 2018
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be
(1) 這個是"與現在事實相反"的假設句對嗎?
If you ever leave
Baby, you would take away everything good in my life
(1) 這個疑問比較大,前半句是"條件句",後半句又是"與現在事實相反"的假設句嗎?
Oh, how do I live without you, there would be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There would be no world left for me
(1) 為什麼用了一堆"would"呢? 應該不是假設句吧?
我自己腦補成 would 當作語氣用,變成"可能"的意思嗎?
那可以用 will 表示未來的狀況嗎? 把所有 would 改成 will?
I don't know what I would do.
(1) would 當語氣用嗎? 應該與過去式無關吧?