DickG (Drake)
2004-03-21 09:00:25I am not sure what your point is.
The computer virus is just a program with several behaviors:
1. It may do some kinda damage to your software (OS included)
2. It may try to propogate itself
3. It may hide itself before the right time to strike
4. ... (of course, you can provide more ~)
That is, it depends much on your working environment, like OS,
applications. I don't think the file system is the gap to prevent
viruses from infecting cross-platforms. As you know, contemporary
virus take use of internet protocols to enhance the propogating
ability and it's nearly hard to stop it if there is some problem
in that protocol or the client on that protocol.
Anyway, no one can gaurantee that there is no likely hole or
weakness for unix-like os, microsoft os or even other os.
For that floopy issue, the virus will infect cross-platforms if
both OSs have mechanisms to execute parts of binary data/code
of data in that floopy and both mechanisms have security issues.
That means, it will happen one day when there is a guy discovering
this secretary.
If you are that guy, please tell us first that we can survive
from that terrible thing ;)
PS. I am not an expert to OS and virus. Just be curious to give you
an opnion.
※ 引述《sorryChen (陳揚和)》之銘言:
: Is it possible to infect computer virus from different OS PC.
: For example, from windows to linux.
: I guess no, since there file format are diffrent.
: Is that right?
: But if this OS share his disk from internet with other
: windows client to write in ?
: Is it possible that the share disk or folder is full of windows virus?
: If the folder is full of windows virus, is it possible for it to
: crash the linux system or so?
: But how if the server is not linux but DOS?