Re: 有人在找工作嗎~~

作者: lulubebe (^o^)   2011-04-13 23:15:23
※ 引述《babysilkwarm (小唄)》之銘言:
: 各位學長姐好~
: 學妹我又來 po 文了~ XD
: 這次有一個 資深工程師 的缺
: 開出來的 requirement 如下
: 有興趣的學長姐再跟我聯絡唷
: ps. 資深工程師的年薪加一加應該會有 150 以上吧
: 因為我還沒有資深過,詳細數字我不知道 XD
: 不過用我自己的職等 & 薪水來推,不會低於這個數字
: Java Application Architect
: * Company: TSMC
: * Roles & Responsibilities:
: 1. Analyze, design and develop IT solutions to support critical business
: processes (Research and Development, Engineering, Logistics,
: Manufacturing, etc.) and fulfill business needs.
: 2. Work in a collaborative development environment, and provide assistance
: and technical guidance to Project Managers, System Analysts,
: Programmers, and other team members throughout the software
: development life cycle.
: 3. Enforce the compliance of corporate quality management procedures, and
: also the adoption of technical best practices for application
: development.
: 4. Evaluate tools and products that may increase development productivity
: and build proof of concept prototypes.
: * Qualifications:
: 1. 5+ years hands on experience in multi-tier software design and
: development using Java/J2EE technology, including JSP, JavaScript,
: JSF, Java Servlet, EJB, JDBC, Web Services and Java based XML API.
: 2. 3+ years of experience in the design and development of enterprise-class
: projects with strong customer focus.
: 3. Strong knowledge and experience in BPM, SOA and complex integrations.
: 4. Strong experience in OOAD, UML, RUP and tools like IBM Rational Suite.
: 5. Have in-depth familiarity with Java language, including J2SE & J2EE, as
: well as commonly used tools and frameworks such as AJAX, Struts,
: Spring and Hibernate.
: 6. Experience with multiple application servers (WebLogic, WebSphere,
: JBoss, Tomcat, etc.)
: 7. Experience in SAP NetWeaver Portal design and development is a big plus.
: 8. Strong knowledge of the design and implementation relational databases,
: with hands-on experience with at least one of Oracle, DB2, and
: SQL Server
: 9. Highly motivated and results driven in both team and individual projects.
: 10.Experience working with a small group of developers in a fast-paced
: environment.
: * Education: Master degree in Computer Science or Information Management
: required
: ※ 引述《babysilkwarm (小唄)》之銘言:
: : 學長姐好~
: : 我是 b92 的學妹
: : 現在在台積電上班~
: : 我們部門是支援生產的 IT 單位 ( 也就是寫跟機台自動化相關的程式 )
: : 我覺得我們部門很不錯!
: : 我的部經 & 副理們人都很好
: : 不強迫員工加班,還鼓勵員工多運動!
: : 所以除了幾個 section 有需要輪班 on call 之外
: : ( on call 也是帶著手機回家接 call,而且大家輪流、一次輪一個禮拜而已 )
: : 其他時間幾乎不用加班的 (六七點就下班囉)
: : 現在我的部門有在徵人喔
: : 快快,有誰要找工作的 XD
: : 我覺得我們這邊的缺真的很不錯!
: : 條件是大學和研究所都要前面的國立大學
: : ( 台 清 交 成 中央 中正 etc )
: : 資工、資管等等資訊相關的應該就都可以
: : 有興趣的快跟我聯絡 :p
作者: jameshahaha (學習中...:))   2011-04-15 21:54:00
直接寄學妹信箱會比較找得到人喔 :)
作者: aufbu (programming)   2011-04-16 02:24:00
作者: babysilkwarm (小唄)   2011-04-20 21:32:00
對阿 沒事是不會再晃進來的 哈

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