日期: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 21:46:42 +0800 [21時46分42秒 CST]
主旨: [機率]about homework 8 and 9
Dear all:
The TA has made a mistake to put irrelevant materials online. Please note
that the 3rd problem in HW8 (language model) and the 4th problem in HW9 will
NOT be covered in the final exam.
Sorry for the misleading.
※ 引述《tempTTP1 (任劍翔)》之銘言:
: 哈囉:
: 請問單班機率作業九的第四題,有人可以講解一下解答嗎?
: (25%) state S: you have algorithm and SP final exams next week
: ‧ Action:
: –A1: spend more time on algorithm
: –A2: spend more time on SP
: –A3: spend equal time on both
: ‧ Question: estimate your Pass' and Rass' and decide which action
: is the best choice.
: 還是說其實這題用到的沒有教?
: 還有作業八的第三題說的language model有教嗎..?想確認一下
: 謝謝解答