Talk abstract and location, time (NEW) :
A heavy-weight speaker and I talked about giving special talks in the
Mobile class today and/or Big Data class tomorrow. Reason: "Mobile,
Social, Big Data and Cloud" are the 4 major trends according to
Gartner and IBM 2014.
Because something came up tomorrow, the talk will be JUST today for
this week (Should be different in May). Please come to 6:30pm today at
資訊館103及101教室 for the "key industry trends/opportunities and what a
smart young Taiwan engineer should/can do." Mobile, Social and Big
Data are mega opportunities.
Don't go tomorrow for the talk. It's only for today. Upon his request,
I can't 發演講公告 or pre-announce his name. So I have to rely on closed
mailing list for any last-minute info.
PS. Another request from him is: Remind the students not to send any
social network messages or photos. No journalist, media or social
network exposure. Don't forward outside the close mailing lists.