Sources: Free agent center Diamond Stone has agreed to a deal with the Taiwan Beer of the Super Basketball League. Stone was the No. 40 pick in the 2016 NBA Draft and holds past experience with the Clippers. 2016年40順位,來自馬里蘭大學的長人,身高208CM,現年24歲 只有在NBA出賽過7場,場均1.4分0.9籃板(3.4min)
作者: Derricklin21 (Wannahoop) 2021-09-03 00:13:00
高中很殺 大學轉型失敗的矮內線 用起來應該跟賈西亞感覺差不多
作者: PhanCalderon (You need Grammarly) 2021-09-03 02:18:00