Being in Taiwan has been an experience of a life time. Although it’s been a long season of ups and downs it’s nothing that can take away from the joy all of you fans have brought me. My mission coming here was always greater than just basketball I wanted to spread love & positivity while motivating people to aim to be the greatest versions of themselves. So despite what anyone says, I am winning as long as there has been people I positively influenced, motivated, or pushed to be greater in some
shape or form Taiwan I don’t want to leave #peopleschampion
作者: Derricklin21 (Wannahoop) 2023-04-13 12:28:00
拜託去挖好本土 根本不用去找什麼旅外的 把SBL台啤或台銀買下來早就保底冠軍賽
作者: LEBR0NJAMES6 2023-04-13 12:32:00
留雲豹的話,拜託本土要補強啦,還有拿酷可以先thank you嗎
作者: rossitmax600 (我愛大山葉) 2023-04-13 13:04:00
想留就留啊 畢竟也只剩台灣願意端錢給你
希望能續留台灣 不然沒明星加持 籃球就沒可看性最好換一些強力本土搭配才更有可看性 觀眾想看贏球而不是看本土投麵包...
作者: freaky791011 (李扯) 2023-04-13 15:33:00
作者: rossitmax600 (我愛大山葉) 2023-04-13 17:25:00
想請問把錢都投資魔獸 本土還有錢補強嗎? T沒薪資總額上限?