dux (EASY)
2023-07-07 16:07:59原始條件:
- Fuji Roubaix 1.3 使用 Oval concepts 520 曲柄
- 查詢規格為BB86
- 對鎖式BB86
- 留意:
- Oval concepts 520 為 GXP 規格
- 搜尋 BB86 gxp vs hollowtech (Shimano 中軸使用技術)
- **The main difference of GXP compared to Hollowtech II is the “steppe
d” spindle diameter**. The drive side is 24 mm as before, but this tapers down
to 22 mm on the non-drive side. This supposedly allows for larger bearings to be
installed on the non-drive side, and it is also inherited from the ISIS design.
- 白話就是 GXP 用22 mm 於非傳動側
- 詢問客服確認BB規格:加買GXP轉換座 (24mm to 22mm)
- 此曲柄為Self Extracting 式曲柄,使用8mm 內六角板手退出即可
- 參考資料:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxAj-zbynPI&ab_channel=ParkTool
- https://www.bikeforums.net/bicycle-mechanics/1104928-oval-520-crankset
- https://m.bikeforums.net/showthread.php?p=21842780&styleid=8
1. 拆鏈條 - 快扣拆卸工具
2. 拆曲柄 - 8mm 內六角板手
3. 退中軸 - 膠鎚敲擊
4. 退BB - 這個……想辦法兔出來……
5. 擦拭、上油、鎖上新BB - 潤滑油、對鎖式BB鎖付工具
6. 中軸上油,插入BB - 潤滑油
7. 非傳動側曲柄鎖上 - 8mm 內六角板手
8. 上鏈條 - 快扣拆卸工具