車頂只能承受2.7倍車重只能在 Roof strength項目 拿個 Marginal
In the test, the strength of the roof is determined by pushing a metal plate
against one side of it at a slow but constant speed. The force applied
relative to the vehicle's weight is known as the strength-to-weight ratio.
This graph shows how the ratio varied as the test of this vehicle progressed.
The peak strength-to-weight ratio recorded at any time before the roof is
crushed 5 inches is the key measurement of roof strength.
A good rating requires a strength-to-weight ratio of at least 4. In other
words, the roof must withstand a force of at least 4 times the vehicle's
weight before the plate crushes the roof by 5 inches. For an acceptable
rating, the minimum required strength-to-weight ratio is 3.25. For a marginal
rating, it is 2.5. Anything lower than that is poor.
看大部分的測試結果,拿 Good 的車種大概都在5倍自身車重以上
※ 引述《eu1201 (肥寶)》之銘言:
: 圖文好讀區: http://yo99306005.pixnet.net/blog/post/40429489
: 這場簡單大膽的實驗,展現了LUXGEN在車輛設計上,除了重視科技安全配備的全面防護能
: 力之外,最基礎的車體安全結構上也毫不馬虎,S5 TURBO增加ABC柱鋼材厚度及補強片、
: 使用B柱扇形結構與分離式潰縮盒設計、採Tailored Blank不等厚材技術、強化車側防護
: 鋼樑結構;車門內設有高達1470MPa之超高強度防撞樑,保護乘員側撞時之安全,底板大
: 樑採用與歐洲高級車同等級之980MPa高張力鋼板,確保前撞時座艙完整性、三段式能量傳
: 導機制提供超高安全係數、車頂擠壓roof crash測試符合美規FMVSS (Federal Motor
: Vehicle Safety Standards)法規,運用電腦輔助工程CAE(Computer Aided Engineering)
: 分析約可承受2.7倍車重之擠壓。 LUXGEN以行動證明,S5 TURBO給全家人最安全的防護,
: 更是購車最佳選擇!