Scape (non)
2016-11-18 21:07:31Toyota幾個星期前宣布要開發一款續航超過300公里的電動車要在2020年發售
這四個人是負責拆車看看Blot、Leaf、Zoe、Model S裡面長什麼樣子的嗎? XDDD
Toyota creates in-house electric car development group, puts 4
engineers on it
We were excited a few weeks ago when reports came out that Toyota was
going to put together a team to develop long-range electric cars and
bring them to market by 2020. Today, the Japanese automaker
officially confirmed this effort, but not without throwing some cold
water on it.
The reports claimed that Toyota was building a team in-house in order
to develop electric vehicles, which was new for an automaker so far
mostly entrenched in fuel cell hydrogen when it comes to
zero-emission vehicle development.
Today, Toyota sent out a press release confirming the creation of an
“in-house venture company responsible for developing electric
vehicles”, but the company also said that only four people will be
on the project.
That’s disappointing considering Toyota has over 300,000 employees.
We would assume they could spare a few more to put on an EV program
and presumably (hopefully), they will grow the team, but the
announcement made no reference in that regard.
Instead, Toyota explained the small size of the team:
“Its small structure is designed to help it implement unconventional
work processes, leading to accelerated project progress and, thus,
fast-to-market products.”
Obviously, no four people team can bring a vehicle to market so
Toyota will inevitably grow the team at some point if it is serious
about the program, but it is not announcing anything more than 4
employees for now.
Toyota President Akio Toyoda added:
“As a venture company that will specialise in its field and embrace
speed in its approach to work, it is my hope that it will serve as a
pulling force for innovation in the work practices of Toyota and the
Toyota Group.”
As a venture company, the group will be independent of Toyota.
Interestingly, the Japanese automaker made clear in the press release
of the EV group announcement that it doesn’t mean they are
completely walking away from fuel cell hydrogen, but they are clearly
acknowledging the value of electric cars.
After boasting about their fuel cell development, the company wrote:
“However, different energy and infrastructure issues around the
world and the rapid strengthening of regulations aimed at increasing
the use of zero emission vehicles have heightened the need for
product line-ups that can respond to various situations. As such,
Toyota has decided to create a structure that will allow it to
commercialise EVs at an early stage, along with its promotion of fuel
cell vehicles, as an alternative means of achieving zero emissions.“
While Toyota is still entrenched in hydrogen fuel cell technology
through its billions of dollars invested in the Mirai program, it is
now showing clear signs of succumbing to physics and turning to
battery-powered electric cars.
※ 編輯: Scape (, 11/18/2016 21:08:59