[情報] 阿諾史瓦辛格訂製了一輛電動版G class

作者: Scape (non)   2017-01-24 01:38:17

日前他跟Kreisel Electric這家歐洲公司合作打造了一部電動版的Mercedes G-Class

Arnold Schwarzenegger will now drive a new custom all-electric Mercedes
G-Class made by Kreisel Electric
Over the past few years, Arnold Schwarzenegger has been on a mission to
address climate change and that’s a big change for a guy who used to
have a Hummer collection and who is credited to being partly responsible
for the commercial version of the gas-guzzling monster.
He still likes big off-road vehicles, but now he managed to get one more
aligned with his new environmentally conscious lifestyle. His new custom
all-electric Mercedes G-Class doesn’t consume a drop of gas thanks to
the latest conversion of Kreisel Electric.
If you don’t remember Kreisel from our previous coverage of the company,
they are a small battery startup launched by three brothers in Austria,
Arnold’s home country. They have been making headlines in Europe for
having retrofitted some popular European-built electric vehicles with
their own battery packs and significantly increasing their range in the
They are now in the process of building a 800-MWh battery factory and
they are rumored to be working with automakers to implement their high
energy density battery pack technology in production vehicles.
Their best way to get the attention of OEMs is to go ahead and build
battery-powered versions of their cars without asking and since the
former Governor of California is a big fan and long-time owner of the
Mercedes G-Class, he worked with Kreisel Electric to build an electric
He was at the Hahnenkamm race in Kitzebuehel this weekend to unveil the
vehicle for the first time:
When automakers build electric cars using the chassis and body of their
existing gas-powered vehicles, it usually means a ton of compromises
since it wasn’t designed to be electric.
Kreisel sees its own battery pack technology as an interesting solution
because its high energy density enables them to simply swap the engine
and gas tank, replace them with the packs, and still achieve a good
weight distribution and range.
In the case of the Mercedes G-Class, they were able to install an
impressive 80 kWh pack in the car for an estimated range of 190 miles.
The battery weighs 510 kg (1,100 lbs) or about the equivalent of a Tesla
battery pack.
The electric motor has a 360 kW (490 PS) output on the road and reaches a
maximum speed of 183 km/h (133 mph). It accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h
(62 mph) in 5.6 seconds or 3 seconds faster than its original gas-powered
But that’s not all that is fast. What is particularly interesting is
that Kreisel claims that the vehicle can charge at 150 kW – a lot faster
than most vehicles available today.
They used the same parts for refueling as for charging:
Schwarzenegger will be taking the car back to California to further test
it and provide feedback. He said during the announcement:
“To me, with the electric version of this fantastic car, a dream has
become true. The initial test drive was a real pleasure: The Kreisel is
incredibly sporty and perfectly benefits from the advantages e-mobility
has to offer. I really look forward to the following test runs and to the
gradual further development in California.”
It’s not available for sale, but it’s part of Kreisel’s continuous
effort tot try to establish itself as a battery supplier for the industry.
作者: molsmopuim (超硬)   2017-01-25 01:51:00
作者: DanteTwins (旦丁)   2017-01-24 01:50:00
作者: a92allen (一企鵝一)   2017-01-24 01:51:00
作者: s605171995   2017-01-24 01:55:00
作者: sm84113 (踹共正夯!!)   2017-01-24 02:17:00
作者: hclstarkid (=你看不到我=)   2017-01-24 02:19:00
純電又是越野車 這引擎室怎麼清洗 不怕潮濕?
作者: StupidDog (笨狗哥)   2017-01-24 02:21:00
很多逆覺青還以為電動車更不環保哩XD若真的不環保 那些北歐龜毛人會開始停止生產販賣汽油車??
作者: ccc73123   2017-01-24 02:23:00
作者: endless0121 (囚鳥不要開招 開招時機?2)   2017-01-24 02:55:00
哪來引擎室 電動車不是沒引擎嗎? 0.0?
作者: homerunball   2017-01-24 03:10:00
作者: s605171995   2017-01-24 03:15:00
作者: hcwang1126 (王小胖)   2017-01-24 07:49:00
要酸 不如叫阿諾自殺比較不會浪費資源
作者: mcjogru (mcjo)   2017-01-24 08:01:00
作者: labbs (汪汪)   2017-01-24 08:02:00
電動車真的不環保! 跟走路比
作者: DYE (跟腦殘爭最後都會變腦殘.)   2017-01-24 08:40:00
作者: ctx1000 (時を刻む唄)   2017-01-24 09:22:00
作者: gkkcast (白目臭宅羊 O.O)   2017-01-24 09:26:00
養山豬會放屁還是不環保。 (亂入
作者: DYE (跟腦殘爭最後都會變腦殘.)   2017-01-24 09:31:00
意思是"定製"一台的汙染 不如去買一台市售大量生產的
作者: lafeyo523 (肥泳懼拉肥油)   2017-01-24 09:42:00
作者: eipduolc (松尾健太)   2017-01-24 09:55:00
作者: falcon11 (木可木可)   2017-01-24 10:07:00
連製造都要綠能 果然是用愛發電
作者: zeanmar (Link Link)   2017-01-24 10:19:00
作者: Numenor (努曼諾爾)   2017-01-24 11:02:00
作者: warlord (瑪麗亞的添屎)   2017-01-24 11:05:00
我也覺得 電動車就一定環保嗎 燒油燒煤換來的電
作者: opsoo (阿明的味道)   2017-01-24 11:18:00
這樣講好了 就算製造過程跟一般車一樣污染 開在路上就有差了阿 什麼邏輯
作者: Ekmund (是一隻小叔)   2017-01-24 11:40:00
概念性產品本來就做標竿的 跟量產品比生產消耗
作者: artiller (砲仔)   2017-01-24 11:40:00
作者: bloodyway (你好嗎 :) )   2017-01-24 11:44:00
作者: a9564208 (YOU OUT!!)   2017-01-24 11:49:00
看來很多人對環保這件事有錯誤的理解XD真的這麼龜毛 自殺屍體分解也會污染環境真的要這麼龜毛 連射在牆上都會污染環境
作者: missin (EVO)   2017-01-24 12:13:00
作者: crocodileho (GOGO~)   2017-01-24 12:29:00
這些有錢人 嘴巴說環保 什麼關心氣候變遷 但實際上他們造成的能源消耗 浪費 汙染 都比你我要大太多了
作者: goofy632 (大甲媽祖)   2017-01-24 14:26:00
酸酸你現在回文也在浪費電啊...是跟燃油比好嗎 沒說不會汙染
作者: KGSox (天天開心)   2017-01-24 14:57:00
身為中部空汙受害者 我強烈要求樓上全部把電腦關掉不要上網除非你家電是來自核能或太陽能XD
作者: JEON (果然是鄉民的世界)   2017-01-24 15:17:00
環保就是一個更賺錢的議題而已 XDD 懂的人就懂
作者: gkkcast (白目臭宅羊 O.O)   2017-01-24 15:50:00
南電北送。身為北部人我要求PTT關站 (叭叭
作者: SakuraHana (櫻花)   2017-01-24 21:35:00
作者: ck940560 (しけ)   2017-01-25 12:35:00
封肛重新定義環保用手機電腦上PTT發廢文推廢推時,東北角的核電受害者呢?電動車生產時該有的東西(汙染)油電都沒少,還會在路上到處噴廢氣 這樣還談環保性??

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