[情報] Tesla Model S P100D再破紀錄

作者: Scape (non)   2017-02-08 16:06:05
Motor Trend對Model S P100D做了加速測試
0-60 mph 只花了2.275507139秒
1/4 mile也只花了10.5秒
另外MT也把P100D的加速G值拿來跟Porsche 911 Turbo S、 Ferrari LaFerrari
比較特別的是除了超跑外,還選了Toyota Camry XSE
因為別忘了,Model S的定位並不是跑車,而是中大型房車
The Model S P100D sets a new record (and accelerates like a real jerk)
Frank Markus Words, Brian Brantley Photos, Cory Lutz VideoFebruary 7, 2017
We all understand acceleration. It’s the rate of change of velocity.
This 4,891-pound Tesla Model S P100D does it best, reaching 30, 40, 50,
and 60 mph from a standstill more quickly than any other production
vehicle we’ve ever tested, full stop. In our testing, no production car
has ever cracked 2.3 seconds from 0 to 60 mph. But Tesla has, in
2.275507139 seconds.
The Tesla does not hold the advantage forever, though, because higher
speeds give the advantage to horsepower over instant torque. The Ferrari
LaFerrari hits 70 mph a tenth of a second quicker; the Porsche 918 and
McLaren P1 pull ahead at 80 mph, and these hypercars all continue to pull
away at higher speeds. But around town, everybody has long since lifted
off the accelerator pedal.
2017 Tesla Model S P100D front three quarter in motion 03
Indeed all-wheel-drive cars capable of face-warping launches such as this
latest, most ludicrous Tesla Model S P100D and November’s wheelie-ing
Porsche 911 Turbo S have us examining a lesser-known physics term: jerk.
It’s the rate of change of acceleration. Think of it as the difference
between being accidentally pushed by a clumsy person and being
aggressively shoved by a jerk.
2015 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat vs 2015 Tesla Model S P85D
Why the Tesla Model Isn’t Replicable – The Reference Mark
2015 Tesla Model S P90D w/Ludicrous Upgrade First Test Review
2017 Tesla Model S P100D front end
2017 Tesla Model S P100D rear end
2017 Tesla Model S P100D rear three quarter in motion 04
2017 Tesla Model S P100D side
Launching a Model S P100D (weighing 5,062 with gear and driver) in
full-on Ludicrous Easter-egg mode snaps your body in a manner that is
utterly impossible to replicate in any other street-legal production car
on normal tires and dry asphalt at a mid-$100,000 price point. We regard 0
–30-mph acceleration times as the benchmark for how hard a car launches,
and this new Tesla gets there 0.05 second ahead of the next quickest
(aforementioned) 0.92-second 911 Turbo S. The two run pretty even through
40 mph, after which the Tesla pulls ahead, maintaining a 0.2-second lead
from 60 mph through 90 mph. The two cross the quarter-mile mark together
at 10.5 seconds, at which point the Tesla is running 125.0 mph, and the
Porsche is traveling 6.8 mph faster.
Tesla Acceleration Chart
By charting the actual acceleration rate, you can “see” the jerk in the
steepness of the curves. Obviously the Tesla earns its quickest 0-30-mph
time by getting the tallest curve on this chart. From the driver seat,
the ride generates g-forces akin to those felt on a roller coaster
following a similar trace.
But let’s back up and re-examine the launch. As you know, we start our
acceleration clock the way the NHRA does: when the front tires cross the
1-foot mark. For the record, the Tesla hit that mark in 0.26 second, at
which point it was already traveling at 12.7 mph for an average jerk
rating of 128.8 ft/sec3. The Porsche did it in 0.20 second but was only
going 11.7 mph. Yet it managed a jerk rating of 191.8 ft/sec3. The
Ferrari LaFerrari bested them both at 0.19 second and 13.1 mph, jerking
worth 180.6 ft/sec3—a remarkable holeshot for a rear-drive car.
But much of the jerk measured in that first foot is just driveline shock.
Let’s back out and consider the first full 0.5 second of acceleration,
including that 1-foot rollout. Here we see the no-shock electric Tesla
maintaining 76.2 ft/sec3 while the 911 Turbo S sustains 77.1 and the
LaFerrari musters “just” 73.3—considerably better than the 52.5 and
53.1 ft/sec3 its hybrid hypercar rivals, the McLaren P1 and Porsche 918
manage. (To glean additional jerk-related pub ammo, see the attached
chart showing these stats for all of our hardest-launching cars—
including the predecessor P90D Ludicrous and, for perspective, America’s
most average car, the 2.5-liter Toyota Camry.)
So how can you lay down a run like this in your very own P100D? First,
find a safe closed course where the local constabulary won’t write you
up for reckless driving. Then ensure your car is running the latest
firmware (v8.0 release 2.52.22), and select the Settings menu. Under
Acceleration, press and hold the Ludicrous button for five seconds. As
with the P90D, this prompts a warp screen of flashing lights followed by
a screen that asks, “Are you sure you want to push the limits? This will
cause accelerated wear of the motor, gearbox and battery.” The two
buttons below are marked, “No, I want my Mommy,” and “Yes, bring it on!
” Selecting the latter initiates a process of battery and motor
conditioning, wherein the battery temperature is raised slightly and the
motors are cooled using the air-conditioning system. It usually takes
just a few minutes, longer in extreme ambient temperatures or after
repeated runs. You should expect to wait a minimum of 10 minutes in
between runs. The readout below the acceleration buttons will say ready
when it’s all set. Then you simply hold the brake, promptly tromp the
accelerator, and quickly release it to initiate launch-control mode
(which is verified on the instrument cluster display). Then firmly hold
the brake for a split second while you nail the go pedal. Upon releasing
the brake, you will rocket down the strip like Han and Chewbacca jumping
to light speed.
The P100D’s added verve also results in a slight improvement in its
figure-eight performance, from the P90D’s 24.7 seconds at 0.81 g average
to 24.6 seconds at 0.82 g. That matches several other big-boned
performers such as the Aston Martin Rapide, Dodge Charger Hellcat, Ford
Shelby GT500, and BMW X5M. But none of those heavy hitters manages even
half the jerk this Tesla delivers in a straight line.
作者: CaLawrence (柔軟刀)   2017-02-08 16:16:00
作者: h33551 (姆ㄟ)   2017-02-08 16:18:00
作者: ckping (教練 我想當壞人)   2017-02-08 16:19:00
作者: Killercat (殺人貓™)   2017-02-08 16:25:00
不過我很好奇 這種車測極速是只要油門一踏到底就好?說錯 測加速。因為很多車其實都還要什麼launch mode啊還要什麼換檔甚至改變速箱程式啊等等...
作者: ariete (正圓錐)   2017-02-08 16:31:00
Tesla的Ludicrous模式才有這麼快,這個模式下馬達會維持在快速響應的狀態 = 比較耗電,一般模式會省一點電不過60mph-0只要不到33m的輪胎抓地力,跑Figure8跟側向G
作者: Killercat (殺人貓™)   2017-02-08 16:33:00
作者: ariete (正圓錐)   2017-02-08 16:33:00
作者: Killercat (殺人貓™)   2017-02-08 16:34:00
其他車測加速每次看到過程都覺得好麻煩 XD
作者: Ekmund (是一隻小叔)   2017-02-08 16:39:00
沒有變速箱好測很多呀倒是精度到10^-8...近乎每個clock就判斷一次?啊 是-9...
作者: supereva (eva)   2017-02-08 16:41:00
carwow最新的試駕有示範不過試駕內容也說了 model s性能當然沒話說 但內裝的話 入門款算還可以 但這p100d的內裝就對不起他的價錢了
作者: ckping (教練 我想當壞人)   2017-02-08 16:47:00
作者: supereva (eva)   2017-02-08 16:49:00
這台有一半算是跑車 舒適度不算是非常重要吧
作者: ckping (教練 我想當壞人)   2017-02-08 16:58:00
作者: supereva (eva)   2017-02-08 17:00:00
應該是轎跑吧 注重舒適的房車應該不會那麼流線 會吃頭部空間的當然model s地板太高 比轎跑更不舒適
作者: yiyin330 (L*VE westwroth miller)   2017-02-08 17:14:00
作者: valsione (技術人員)   2017-02-08 17:49:00
不過MODEL S 後座中間是個人覺得最好坐的一部車只是之前開P90D 覺得沒轉速 路人與旁根本不會閃 危險XD
作者: KGSox (天天開心)   2017-02-08 17:59:00
油電車慢速開小巷子也是會這樣 然後按了喇叭行人又會嚇到真的是很麻煩QQ
作者: handsomeball (㊣棉花糖男孩㊣)   2017-02-08 18:06:00
作者: menglove (Shen)   2017-02-08 18:18:00
作者: DearDaniel (丹先生)   2017-02-08 18:21:00
我也想要 謝謝
作者: endless0121 (囚鳥不要開招 開招時機?2)   2017-02-08 19:43:00
中間和前座好座^^ 它地板有高嗎??我覺得還好好坐後面主要是椅子比較立 ~P100D真強 好想要啊..
作者: JEON (果然是鄉民的世界)   2017-02-08 19:51:00
作者: cystal (專業代PO)   2017-02-08 19:59:00
流線型的車就不要要求多好坐 四四方方最好坐啦 誰要買
作者: endless0121 (囚鳥不要開招 開招時機?2)   2017-02-08 20:06:00
跑得快總是有有犧牲啊 不然買X嘛 我買不了orz
作者: cystal (專業代PO)   2017-02-08 20:11:00
作者: supereva (eva)   2017-02-08 20:13:00
地板有比較高 因為放電池 所以大腿沒支撐當然 跟你腿長有關
作者: ckping (教練 我想當壞人)   2017-02-08 20:21:00
作者: TllDA (踢打)   2017-02-08 20:52:00
開過挑戰者 6.X秒 我已經覺得很恐怖了 這個快三倍...
作者: DYE (跟腦殘爭最後都會變腦殘.)   2017-02-08 21:04:00
作者: valsione (技術人員)   2017-02-08 22:01:00
作者: endless0121 (囚鳥不要開招 開招時機?2)   2017-02-08 22:13:00
台灣原廠的特斯拉都有裝行人警示音喔 不然驗車不會過所以tesla是危險在哪? 油電有規定要裝嗎??
作者: DYE (跟腦殘爭最後都會變腦殘.)   2017-02-08 22:16:00
警示音是怎樣的 我常看到都沒聽過
作者: endless0121 (囚鳥不要開招 開招時機?2)   2017-02-08 22:33:00
一個低頻的聲音 車低速時才有聲音 在車室內也聽得到開快到某一個程度 就不會有這聲音了 我原本以為是車有問題 (比較早進來的試乘車沒這個裝置 )怎麼低速會吵 問原廠才知道是因為裝了行人警示裝置跟引擎聲是完全不同的聲音 我很難形容._.
作者: hylkevin (19s)   2017-02-08 22:40:00
作者: endless0121 (囚鳥不要開招 開招時機?2)   2017-02-08 22:49:00
作者: SakuraHana (櫻花)   2017-02-08 22:58:00
作者: endless0121 (囚鳥不要開招 開招時機?2)   2017-02-08 23:06:00
作者: ck940560 (しけ)   2017-02-09 00:17:00
行人提示是會喊請注意,倒車 請注意,倒車嗎
作者: SakuraHana (櫻花)   2017-02-09 00:40:00
作者: valsione (技術人員)   2017-02-09 01:11:00
說危險是因為駕駛開得快(掩面 慢的沒差低速行駛就算沒警報 也可以音響開大聲降車窗XD
作者: kirax20a (キラ)   2017-02-09 01:27:00
作者: JLintopPG (天下第一控)   2017-02-09 09:54:00
拿純電車跟超跑來比其實也很怪 馬達先天的優勢就是在那裡 起跑加速贏了也只是正常而已啦

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