根據 Autoblog 的報導,近期捕獲到 2019 年式的 Civic TYPE R!儘管去年 FK8 才正式
同時拉力紅式樣則換上了較為低調的新尾翼,Autoblog 推測可能是為了滿足更多認為原
Honda Civic Type R spied with small wing, updated fascias
Even though the latest Honda Civic Type R was just launched last year, Honda a
ppears to be readying updates to the hot hatch. Two examples of the hot hatch
were spied at the Nurburgring, both sporting some light camouflage up front an
d in the rear. The red one reveals a new wing, and the white one shows some mo
re subtle bodywork changes.
Most surprising is the red Civic Type R shown above with its new rear wing. On
e of the defining characteristics of the hyper Honda has been its radical body
work and controversial park bench rear wing. As such it's surprising to see su
ch a small wing, almost more of a spoiler, fitted instead. We suspect that the
re may be enough people that want a Type R, but don't want such a flashy wing,
that Honda is working on an option.
The white Civic Type R retains the giant wing, but it has some other subtle tw
eaks. The main change to the front fascia appears in the lower outboard grille
s. There is a new piece of plastic in each one that divides up those large gri
lles. The exact reason for this is unclear, though. They almost look like they
could house some lights, but there wouldn't be a need, since the current roun
d fog lights are still present. The newly fenced off grille section also is co
mpletely covered up, so it's not a new opening for additional air flow. Beside
s these new grilles, there don't appear to be any other major changes up front
. The main grille looks like it may have a slightly larger lower half where th
e Type R badge is, but the upper opening may have shrunk.
The rear fascia mirrors the front. There are almost no changes except for the
outboard grilles. The big fake openings also gain little plastic dividers. And
, like with the front, they don't seem to herald any actual vents. It does app
ear that the rear bumper blends into the newly sectioned-off areas, though, so
this may be a change to reduce the prominence of the fake vents.
Since these revisions are very minor, we wouldn't be surprised to see them imp
lemented on a Civic Type R in the very near future. It could be used on the ne
xt model year or the one following that. There's also the possibility this is
a special edition Type R variant. In that case, we might see it even sooner. I
t may also pack more power.