(通常swear 後面就會接著噴一串 XD)
這表示每月會出現至少152句髒話(curse word)
通常父母就會用一些比較軟的詞來代替髒話,例如'fudging hell'
1 .Someone cutting you up
2 .When someone nearly changes lanes into you
3 .When you see someone texting and driving
4 .When someone doesn't use their indicator
5 .When someone doesn't use their indicator
6 .When someone leaves their high beams on
7 .Someone driving too slowly in front of you
8 .When people park over two spaces
9 .When someone doesn't thank you for waiting for them
10.When someone stays in the middle lane of the motorway
11.Getting stuck behind a tractor
12.When someone beeps at you
13.When a cyclist runs a red light
14.When a lorry slowly overtakes another one, causing a tailback
15.When you get flashed by a speed camera
16.When you're stuck in traffic
17.Getting stuck behind a cyclist
18.Running late 19.Being stuck in a traffic jam
20.When someone undertakes you on the motorway
21.Someone speeding past you
22.Getting stuck behind a lorry
23.When someone takes too long to park
24.When people 'rubberneck' at traffic accidents
25.0ne of your passengers 'backseat driving'
26.Getting stuck behind a bus
27.Getting stuck behind a milk float
28.Hitting a red light
29.Having to slow down for speed bumps
30.Being held up by an accident up ahead
英國平均四公里噴一句,台灣不知道平均會是多少 XDDD