still remember how tesla sales replied to m y question:
"its kind of impossible to go to wulin from your home without recharge"
"OH......(so sad) will, how about charge on the half way?
"hmmmmmmmm, there is ONE supercharger in TAICHUNG ..."
(show the place with his finger on monitor)
"so i have to take more time to the place an
d still no change to recharge?(cos there may be no vacancy)
====================TURE STORY=================================
i will say combine with solar energy is the only way
=========WILL DONE SAKULAHANA======================
※ 引述《ttytt (巨蟹好男人)》之銘言:
: 純好奇~~
: 未來有沒有機會、發展出充電電池
: 一顆像電瓶一般大小
: 臨時快沒電就插下去充
: 雖然可能沒辦法充滿
: 但至少不會顧路
: 這有沒有搞頭?
: ※ 引述《mars0009 (mars0009)》之銘言:
: :
: : l
: :
: : 兩段網址送你啦公山小叮噹
: : MODEL3 4500公尺的巴朗山都上的去 MODEL X上不去
: : 突破物理障蔽了是不是?
: : 特黑只要看到里程不足的文章就大高潮
: : 28%電是會像手機瞬間歸0是不是?
: : 你懂個鳥蛋電動車?