※ 引述《LeeAnAn (就值得了愛,就值得了等)》之銘言:
: 因此我覺得model3在今年一定會再大砍一波來到九十幾萬
: 科技配備加一加在120以內
: 要買高檔的買Model S
: 要買大一點的買Model X
: Model3定位就是為了普及的平價商品
: 現在這個價格在2020年內一定會崩
: 以上是我個人看法
The Model 3 that got the tear-down treatment was a $50,000 version with a
black paint job. Munro estimated the total cost to build was $34,700. Adding
in logistics costs and a generous assumption for labor, Munro estimates that
gross profit margins would exceed 30 percent.
A cheaper version of the Model 3 examined by his team would cost less than
$30,000 to build, Munro said, because the smaller battery is less expensive
and some other equipment would come out of the car. By comparison, Munro
estimated the cost to produce the Chevrolet Bolt at a little more than
$30,000 in parts, while the BMW i3 costs less than $33,000. Munro said his
margin estimates don’t count costs like R&D investment and engineering.
MUNRO的Teardown Report