hanchueh (RaidenHC)
2020-09-07 15:01:55原文連結:https://www.bbc.com/news/business-48400271
"I drive in the bus lane because I have an electric car. It saves me 30 minute
s on every journey to work."
Dagfinn Hiehe was smiling ear-to-ear as he told me his favourite thing about h
aving an electric car.
Dagfinn Hiehe 充滿微笑的告訴我開電車的最大好處。
"You don't need to queue. You can just by-pass the queue. It is a great feelin
Dagfinn is one of the rapidly growing number of Norwegians, who have made the
leap to electric - and he is loving it.
Dagfinn 是挪威快速成長中的電車主之一,而且他非常愛這個決定。
Driving in the bus lane is just one of the incentives the Norwegian government
is offering its citizens, in exchange for dumping their petrol or diesel and
switching to electric.
Like many big cities, Oslo's roads are crowded, and saving time on the commute
is hugely appealing. Another big benefit is the discount on road tolls, which
you are largely exempt from in an electric vehicle.
Norwegians finish work at around 4pm, so by late afternoon when I met Dagfinn,
at a rapid car charging bank just outside the centre of Oslo, rush hour was i
n full swing.
There were seven charging points and they were all full, with a steady stream
of people arriving, charging and leaving. It takes twenty minutes and you can
get a faster charge than charging at home. And while you wait, you can pop acr
oss the road to pick up your food shopping.
Next I got chatting to Ida who pulled up to the charging bank in her BMW i3 af
ter finishing work.
有台BMW i3出現了,是一位剛下班名叫 Ida 的車主。
"I got this last September," she told me. "My last car was a BMW 3 Series. I [
had] a budget and compared to a petrol car this came out cheaper. It is cheape
r to charge than petrol. You can park free in places and drive in the bus lane
「我去年九月買的,我的上一台車是 BMW 3-series。因為預算限制,這台售價反而比油
In March, sales of new electric cars reached 58.9% in Norway. Here in the UK,
0.9% of new cars sold were electric. It's clear offering perks likes these is
working, combined with one other big incentive.
"We have a system where we tax the cars we don't want, meaning petrol and dies
el cars that pollute. And we don't tax electric cars," said Christina Bu from
the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association.
挪威電車協會的 Christina Bu 說。
It is this policy that has underpinned the surge in electric car sales. The go
vernment has made electric cars VAT exempt, giving buyers 25% off the price.
"It is all about economic incentives, politicians telling consumers: hey, we w
ant you to make the right choice and we want to help you," said Ms Bu.
「經濟補助決定一切。我們的政治家就是要幫助消費者做對的決定。」Bu 小姐說。
The success of these policies has made Norway a global market leader in the se
ctor, with governments and motor manufacturers from around the world all headi
ng to the Nordic country to learn from what they've done, and to exploit oppor
British car builder Jaguar is one of the carmakers reaping the benefits of Nor
way's electric car boom. In 2017, they sold just 299 cars in the country. In O
ctober last year they started to deliver their electric Jaguar I-PACE, and hav
e sold almost 3,000 vehicles.
英國車廠 Jaguar 就是因此獲利的其中一個車廠。2017年時在挪威只賣了299台車。去年1
0月他們的第一台電車 I-Pace 開始交車,至今已在挪威賣了近3000台。
But like many surges in demand, it can often present a problem with supply - a
nd for Oslo there just aren't enough chargers.
"The rollout of chargers is lagging behind," Christina Bu told me. "We're gett
ing queues at chargers and that isn't good for the market. But we have lot of
businesses investing in the fast-charge market."
「充電設置速度目前太慢了,」Christina Bu 說。「充電站往往需要排隊,這對市場不
On the other side of the city, I headed towards the pier in the centre of town
, by the Oslo Fjord to meet the city's mayor, Marianne Borgen. She's very happ
y about what they've achieved with electric cars in Norway and said people sto
p her in the street to commend her on the quality of the air now in the city.
在城市的另一端,我往市中心的碼頭走,去見Oslo 的市長:Marianne Borgen。她非常滿
"This is about our grandchildren's future," she said. "It's about the health o
f the people in the city, because planet and climate change can be quite abstr
act for many people. But it's not. It's about our daily life. It's about healt
h. It's about the future".