marsonele (marsonele)
2021-10-04 12:52:51康乃爾大學貓科健康中心文章 https://reurl.cc/KrXLWn
介紹得比大部分中文網站全面 英文ok的話 建議看完
Because dietary allergens can play a role in IBD, your veterinarian may reco
mmend a food trial using hypoallergenic diets. These diets contain protein o
r carbohydrate sources that the cat has never eaten before. Rabbit, duck, or
venison-based diets are common initial choices. If symptoms do not improve
with a hypoallergenic diet, then your cat may benefit from diets that are hi
gh in fiber, low in fat, and easily digestible. It may take several weeks, o
r even longer, for cats to improve after a diet change. During any food tria
l, all other food sources, including table scraps, flavored medications, and
treats must be eliminated.
兔肉 鴨肉 鹿底食品 看看有無改善
如果沒有 再嘗試看看高纖低脂好消化的寵糧
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