時間與愛情的辯證--before sunrise&sunset2

作者: easy1201 (ez)   2005-09-24 10:47:16
"Before Sunrise" 的標題讓我想到一首John Donne 的詩
The Sun Rising
Busy old fool, unruly Sun,
Why dost thou thus,
Through windows, and through curtains, call on us ?
Must to thy motions lovers' seasons run ?
Saucy pedantic wretch, go chide
Late school-boys and sour prentices,
Go tell court-huntsmen that the king will ride,
Call country ants to harvest offices ;
Love, all alike, no season knows nor clime,
Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.
Thy beams so reverend, and strong
Why shouldst thou think ?
I could eclipse and cloud them with a wink,
But that I would not lose her sight so long.
If her eyes have not blinded thine,
Look, and to-morrow late tell me,
Whether both th' Indias of spice and mine
Be where thou left'st them, or lie here with me.
Ask for those kings whom thou saw'st yesterday,
And thou shalt hear, "All here in one bed lay."
She's all states, and all princes I ;
Nothing else is ;
Princes do but play us ; compared to this,
All honour's mimic, all wealth alchemy.
Thou, Sun, art half as happy as we,
In that the world's contracted thus ;
Thine age asks ease, and since thy duties be
To warm the world, that's done in warming us.
Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere ;
This bed thy center is, these walls thy sphere.
前幾天看了一本書, 裡面提到白晝/黑夜之間"正常"/"異常"的關係.
一般來說, 白晝代表的是正常的工作時間, 所以在晚上睡眠時間出沒的人
就容易被貶為"異常者". Before Sunrise 亦是類似的隱喻; Wake up, you fool.
it's time to go now. 傑西揉揉雙眼, 像童話裡的Cinderella, "噢, 我該去趕飛機
了", 於是他們又再度回到現實的時間.
有趣的是, 這部片特別提煉"維也納的一日遊", 其他擾人的現實生活完全被屏除在外.
例如傑西西班牙的心碎之旅, 以及男女主角終究有無再續前緣等, 都不是導演的重心.
的人,那你就會肯定他們還是會再相遇;如果你憤世嫉俗, 那麼你就不可能相信他們會見
面 " 這種開放式的結局, 和"金玉盟"(An Affair to remember) 對帝國大廈的執著是
不同的, 前者注定是以輕鬆收場(不管他們有沒有見面, 因為見面不代表就勝過分別),
作者: GetMoney (GetMoney)   2004-05-26 07:45:00

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