※ 引述《xupx (patience)》之銘言:
: The instruction of loading R Weka package said we need rJava package,
: but I had a error message and loading process was failed. It shows
: "錯誤在firstlib(which.lib.loc, package):
: JAVA_HOME is not set
: 錯誤在library(pkg,character.only = TRUE):
: .First.lib failed for 'rJava'"
: I tried to download the package again and installed but it did not work.
: Does anyone have the same problem? Thanks a lot!
I have encountered this problem
I think maybe you have to install JAVA VM first
you can find it at http://www.java.com/zh_TW/download/index.jsp
by the way,
It seems that there isn't any function use covering algorithm in rWeka...~"~