kkcarol (惑)
2014-11-12 13:59:4701. 是「拾獲」or 「協尋」:拾獲
02. 狗狗品種:小型貴賓狗
03. 拾獲時間:103年11月3 日
04. 地點:新北市三芝石門淡金路 白沙灣附近
05. 性別:公
06. 毛色 or 明顯特徵:咖啡色、奶油色
07. 身高、身長、體重:
08. 照片聯結: http://ppt.cc/AVmS
09. 年齡:(例如:大約九個月)
10. 結紮:(是/否)
11. 晶片號碼:無晶片
The Sanctuary
有人知道這兩隻貴賓是誰的嗎? 在去跟珍古德博士會面的路上發現的,白沙灣附近,看起
Found these two little boys near BaiShaWan on our way to meet Jane Goodall, lo
oking very lost and confused, running around in the middle of the fast lane.
We stopped the car in the road to try and stop them getting hit by other cars,
and Judy jumped out to try and catch them.
Luckily, they were only a little scared and she was able to secure them both a
nd put them in the back of the rescue vehicle.
Please share so we can trace their family!
We'll check them for microchips and do all we can to find their people.