※ 引述《asd90011》之銘言
: 最近在ebay訂購一台二手筆電
: 2/7賣家寄出 2/10下午一點多已配達dock 簽收人為MB
: https://i.imgur.com/KCY14sX.png
: https://i.imgur.com/PnrLDTG.png
: 等到2/15今天還未入庫
: 有請賣家詢問ups ups回覆
: I spoke to other businesses in the building and to a local UPS store.
: The building has a dock, and other businesses do regularly receive packages th
: ugh the dock.
: Since it is a business address, UPS drivers have to hand items off to an indiv
: ual at the business. Whoever received it on behalf of "MB," which I expect is
: ybuy, the company you shipped it to, must have signed for it on delivery.
: 已經多次詢問美買客服
: 一直說ups司機送錯 集運沒收到東西
: 問簽收也說都是ups司機代簽
: https://i.imgur.com/7p29cXd.png
: 問題是我之前11月購買用ups
: 也是已配達dock 簽收人為MB
: https://i.imgur.com/4BO22Yv.png
: https://i.imgur.com/4LWEYrj.png
: 後來寫電子郵件給ups索要簽收證明
: https://i.imgur.com/IY9ayEv.jpeg
: 明明地址根本沒錯 怎麼可能還是沒收到
: 想問用過美買的網友有沒有遇過這種羅生門的狀況
: 這種就算去ups或ebay申訴也沒什麼希望要回錢或包裹吧?
: 2/24更新
: 最近有收到ups調查信件 大概內容如下
: 我們經調查後02/10/25已送達你指定的地址了
: https://i.imgur.com/rT3z5E0.jpeg
: 詢問美買也是回覆 有收到就會入庫了…
: 包裹已經消失兩個禮拜了 看一下ups信件不太可能是寄錯地址