[徵求] 誠徵外籍受試者!

作者: future016 (Mirai)   2015-12-19 11:50:36
實驗共分為兩個部分,共計 30 至 40 分鐘內可以完成,提供 100 元之車馬費。
實驗地點為:臺灣大學校史館一樓。(臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段 1 號)
We are students from NTU graduate program of teaching Chinese
as second language.
Now, we are looking for several subjects whose first languages
belong to Indo-European languages to help us fulfilling our final paper.
The main purpose of the experiment is to understand
how the way second language learners whose target languages
are Chinese thinking when learning Chinese.
And the progress of the experiment is through looking at
the computer monitor and pressing the buttons
which respectively represent true and false.
The experiment includes two parts, taking 30-40 minutes in total.
Then, we will pay each subject 100NT$. It’s all for academic purpose.
We sincerely invite you to be our subject.
If you are willing to join the experiment,
please click the link and fill in the form :http://goo.gl/forms/Qlk98sIoHr
Then we’ll contact you respectively.
We really appreciate your help! :-)
Place: 臺灣大學 華語教學碩士學位學程辦公室 (Gallery of NTU history, 1st floor )
Contacts: 林同學 peiichen@hotmail.com.tw //// 何同學 hsuan616@gmail.com

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